Solar Companies Near Me - a Solar SEO Guide
The Difference Between Solar Companies Near me, Solar Installation Services Near me, Solar Contractors Near me, Solar Distributors Near Me and finally Solar Software Companies Near me, Orlando?
You Know the Difference Between Solar Companies Near me, Solar Installation Services Near me, Solar Contractors Near me, Solar Distributors Near Me and finally Solar Software Companies Near me, Orlando?
A solar company is a company that installs and maintains solar panels. A solar company near me is a solar company that is local to you or, a solar company near me can just be a lead generation company trying to manipulate Google's algorithms and steal leads to resell to the solar companies near you.
adjective: solar
relating to or determined by the sun.: "solar radiation".
Solar Installation Service Near Me
Solar installation service is a company that installs solar panels for you, but does not maintain them.
a solar installation service near me is a company that installs solar panels for you, that is local to you, but does not maintain them.
Unless the solar installation service near me is actually a solar lead generation company trying to manipulate Google's algorithms and steel leads away from the actual solar installation services near you to sell you as a lead back to the solar installation services near you.
Solar Distrobutors Near Me
Solar distributors sell the panels, but don't install them. Solar Distributors Near me are solar distributors located near solar installation services near you that sell solar panels wholesale to solar companies near me or solar installation companies near me that the solar installations services near me and solar companies near me then sell to you for their mark-up and their installation services. Unless the solar distributors near me are doing the same thing the lead generation solar companies near me and lead generation solar installation services near me are doing with one difference.
The solar distributors near me can also be lead generation solar distributors near me companies that are doing the same Google algorithm manipulation tactics one level above in the solar near me market and adding an additional cost and hand for your solar panels near me rather you be a solar customer near me, a solar installation services company near me a solar company of installers near me or however you want to refer to them as.
When people try to game the system that is designed to help local businesses like the varying level of solar companies near me and solar installation services near me that are actually solar lead generation distributors simply for the purpose of financial gain through exploitation of all levels of the solar industry near you it has a negative effect on all parties involved.
Solar Software Companies Near me
Solar software companies make programs that allow people to calculate their energy consumption and then determine what size of system they need to get the most out of their investment. Solar software companies near me are solar software companies that are located near me or offer solar software solutions in your area remotely via S.A.A.S. AKA Software as a service. Unless… the solar software companies near me are actually white-labeled solar software services near me that are posing as solar software companies near me. White label solar software companies near me are third party companies or entities that simply rebrand or rename solar software companies solutions near me and offer the original software companies near me software for a profit. Unlike the prior disambiguation of solar companies near me and solar installation services near me in which their solar lead generation counterparts profits while the entire actual Solar industry is suffering a loss, including the consumers, with white-label solar software companies near me the original software company near me profits as well.
In the world of solar, there are many different types of companies that are all performing different functions. The following section we discuss the difference between a solar company, a solar installation service, a solar distributor and a solar software provider.
In this section, as stated previously, we will explore the difference between a solar company, solar installation service, solar distributor and solar software company, when they are legitimate businesses. After that we’ll get back to the less than legit “solar” companies and why they are bad eggs..
A solar company is a company that provides products and services related to the production of electricity from the sun to consumers or businesses for their use. Not for reselling..
Solar installation services are companies that install these products or provide a service for installing them but do not provide service after the fact.
Solar distributors are companies that sell solar products to other businesses that are then sold to consumers and they often offer warranties to the solar companies' customers. It is a clear chain of purpose where everyone plays their role.
Solar software companies make computer programs used for designing and managing photovoltaic systems by solar companies or directly to homeowners for their end use. Not for reselling for additional greed.
A Solar Company: A company that manufactures and installs panels on homes or businesses.
A Solar Installation Service: A company that helps homeowners or business owners get their panels installed by another company.
A Solar Distributor: A company that sells panels to other companies.
A Solar Software Provider: A company that provides software for managing your home’s power usage in order to maximize savings.
3 Steps to Getting Started: Digital Marketing for Contractors
Digital marketing is essential for contractors and that’s no secret. With all of the documentation out there, many DIY marketers/business owners first try to do things themselves. We’re here to tell you, that’s the right move.
Browse the following resources and choose a few ideas that seem reasonable. Then come back, and let’s discuss the basics for any and all DIY marketers.
Here’s a list of online resources to help you get started:
Online Marketing for Contractors
5 Hard Truths Contractors Don’t Want To Hear About Digital Marketing
4 New Tools Improving Digital Marketing for HVAC Contractors
Digital Marketing Strategies Contractors Can Use to Generate New Business Efficiently
5 Digital Marketing Ideas for Construction Companies
Top 10 Promotion & Marketing Ideas For A Construction Business
Top Social Media Marketing Strategies for Construction Brands
The fact is, there’s lots of informative and helpful information out there on digital marketing for contractors that you can employ today. Before you start down the long rabbit hole of new marketing initiatives, use this guide to bring your website up to par and write a digital marketing strategy to compliment those efforts.
Now, the following steps are very important to any digital strategy, but of course we cannot cover everything in a short blog post. Regardless, these three steps are sure to get any business a great head start in generating traffic, leads or brand awareness.
Step 1: Refreshing Your Website
Think about it. You’re standing on the corner of Center and Main. On the left is one restaurant with beautiful, modern decor. On the right is another that screams ‘Health Code Violations Here!’
Which are you going to choose?
Like it or not, times have changed and your website is your new store front. In fact, we would argue that your website says more about your company then your logo does.
You may be thinking ‘Where do I start?!‘ Fear not. Many web development agencies offer ‘refresh’ solutions that are far more affordable than an entire website rebuild.
Don’t skim the infographic below. Take a look through this beautiful addition from HubSpot on the anatomy of great web design. This should give you a roadmap to spotting any issues with your current digital storefront.
#2: Outline a Digital Marketing Plan: Awareness
Too many DIY marketers read half a blog post then feel qualified to start throwing money at paid media and/or fraudulent digital marketing agencies. Digital marketing is very tactical and contractors should be strategic before jumping into new channels.
Before you waste budget on a Facebook boosted post, or that AdWords company that cold called you, outline your own plan. Start this outline by placing yourself in the shoes of your prospective client. If this client had no idea you existed, how would you make them aware of your brand? You have one shot. What value proposition do you put in front of them?
In other words, where do you want prospects to first discover your company? Social media? Digital display ads? Google search? All of the above? Where ever you’re looking to generate awareness, make sure you put an offer in front of these users that’s valuable to them, whether
or not they make a purchase immediately.
Here’s a sample outline to give you an idea of where an agency might start.
Sign three new kitchen remodeling prospects.
Acquire leads at less than $100 per lead.
Signed contracts at less than $1,000 per contract.
Gross more than $30,000 per contract.
Annual income range $150,000 or above.
80/20 female to male impression volume.
30 to 55 years of age.
Married with 0 to 3 children.
Located within a 10 mile radius of Orange County or, Orlando.
Develop a free kitchen catalog for every price point.
Write and implement a new landing page.
Optimize landing page for local SEO.
Gate catalog so that download requires email address.
Sync email form to email CRM.
Commit $200 per day to GEO and interest focused Facebook Ads.
Track impressions purchased and relative click through rate.
Track landing page visits.
Track average time on page.
Track gated form conversion rate.
Step 3: Outline a Digital Marketing Plan: Measurement
While it’s not listed until step 3, measurement should be top of mind through the entire construction of this strategy. If your bottom line is the bottom line, then you must first establish the value of a lead to your brand. If you’re looking to increase the reach of your brand, then impression volume and CTR are most important to you. If you’re looking to increase lead volume at a reasonable cost per lead, then landing page conversion rates should track extensively.
Again, all this information begs the question, “Where do you start?” Measurement is intimidating at first, but very doable for the average DIY marketer. A little elbow grease and learning power goes a long way in setting up the following recommended tools:
Google Search Console (Best for tracking organic sessions, keyword impressions and click through rates. Can also be used for technical SEO practices.).
Google Analytics (The mothership of measurement. Use for tracking all sources of traffic and user engagement on your website.).
Facebook Pixel (Like it or not, Facebook is here to stay. Installing their pixel unlocks additional analytics, as well as enhancements to their advertising algorithms for when you launch your first Facebook ads.).
Google Tag Manager: GTM is more of an honorable mention, as it doesn’t actually provide analytics, but instead enables multiple pixel installation that doesn’t bog down the load time of your website.
Now, we hope this blog overwhelmed you just a bit, as that would mean we’re getting somewhere. Digital marketing is a competitive space, especially for contractors. If you can take the time to learn a few tricks, then you’re already a step ahead. Start with a fresh website. Outline of your digital marketing plan.
Use an awareness strategy and install the proper tools needed for measurement. Review your data and reiterate reiterate reiterate. With these steps, you’ll be ready to drive more leads in no time at all!
When everything is working “right” in digital marketing, traffic is up, conversions are high, and lead generation is operating at peak performance.
But what happens when the leads dry up? How do you fix lead generation problems?
Unfortunately, there’s no button on any given website that you can hit to turn on the leads. (If only it were that easy.) However, there are multiple solutions any digital marketer can implement to fix the most common lead generation website problems.
Lead generation problem #1: Low traffic
When it’s time to research why the leads aren’t flowing anymore, the first inclination is to turn to traffic numbers. If this is you, rest assured, you’re not alone. In fact, 61% of marketers say generating traffic and leads is their top challenge.
Solution: Master the technical SEO basics
Start at the very beginning and make sure that your website is technically working the way it’s supposed to. While technical SEO isn’t something you can master overnight, there are some SEO basics you should be monitoring consistently.
If your site isn’t secure with an SSL certificate, Google will mark your site as “unsecured.” Not only does this mean you’ll be dinged with a lower search ranking, but it breaks your prospects’ trust in you if they don’t feel safe conducting business on your site.
Site speed
For every second of additional load time, a site loses 7% of its conversions. If you’re annoyed at how slow your site is, then your prospects are too. Don’t let them down by forcing them to wait for what you have to offer.
At this point, those prospects may not even make it to your page at all.
Google has been rewarding faster sites in its rankings ever since its speed update 2018.
But if that’s not enough incentive to bring your speed up to par, Google is taking the importance of speed one step further, announcing its plan to introduce badging as an incentive for publishers to pick up the pace.
Sites that are slow to load will be given a graphic mark on the load screen, notifying users that the site is usually slow to load. So, even if your site appears in a prospect’s search results, they may be more likely to abandon the page if Google verifies the slow speed during the page load cycle.
Google’s proposed badging tag notifying readers of slow page loads.
If you want Google to crawl the content on your site, you need to tell it where to go. The Google spider naturally follows the links on each page, but you can direct it to where you want it to go by submitting a sitemap. This gives you the power to highlight pages you want indexed or exclude others you don’t.
Broken links and 404s
Broken links obstruct the user experience on your site and, if not resolved, can prevent users from hitting your site at all.
You guessed it — Google penalizes sites with too many 404 error pages. The easy solution to this is to fix those broken links. Google Search Console provides a list of broken links and errors you can resolve to keep your site clean and working properly.
Solution: Optimize your content
Now that your site is secure and speedy, how do you optimize your content so it appears on the coveted search results page?
SEO’s importance, of course, extends far beyond the technical. Aside from getting your pages indexed and ranking higher in search, SEO:
gets more traffic to your website
makes pages easier for readers to consume
brings higher-quality traffic to your site
pulls in more and better-qualified leads
Marketers who are new to SEO often believe that it’s driven by keywords alone, but everything on your site needs to work in tandem to get the SEO juice flowing, including:
meta description
blog content (we’ll get to that later)
article length
To drive organic traffic to your site, you’ll need to spend time perfecting each of these SEO elements.
Lead generation problem #2: Confusing UX
Imagine being dropped in a city you’ve never visited. Wandering into unknown territory can be either exciting or intimidating, depending on whether or not you know where to go.
Don’t assume your website visitors are thrill-seekers — give them a map and send them on their way. Otherwise, they may enter the site, stumble around for a while, get frustrated, and leave.
Solution: Provide easy navigation
In a survey by Clutch, 94% of respondents said website navigation was the most important site feature. And, to drive that home further, 37% of respondents in a different survey admitted that a poor experience with site navigation was enough to make them want to leave.
There are several website navigation best practices to consider here, but the essence of easy site navigation should be centered around helping users know where they are, know how to return to where they were, or easily find where to go next.
This can be done, according to UX designer Joel Waggoner, with three tactics:
Having an efficient and pleasant search experience can reduce clicks a lot (but is harder to do)
Presenting well-thought-out next steps on each page (relevant calls-to-action, or intelligently related articles/pages)
Personalizing for a more curated, relevant overall site experience. This can be achieved with purely additive technology, like thoughtful pop-ups or dedicated sections.
Solution: Create a learning center
Providing a central place on your website where visitors can find all your best content is another powerful tactic to use so prospects don’t get lost.
Creating a learning center that is easily filtered and searchable lets visitors jump straight to whatever they are looking for. This not only helps newcomers to the website, but it acts as a crucial resource for your own employees. Your learning center will become a mainstay for your sales team to quickly access the content you create.
Lead generation problem #3: Disruptive conversion paths
Traffic may be up but leads are down — what’s a marketer to do?
If you find yourself in this scenario, you might have website conversion paths that are missing the mark in relation to where your prospects are on the buyer’s journey.
A sign of this might be having a very bottom of the funnel offer like “Request a Consultation,” “Contact Us,” or “Buy Now” as the call-to-action (CTA) after every blog post.
Chances are, many of your readers simply aren’t ready to jump into a deeper conversation with you just yet. They’ll need more info from you before they give you their trust…and their business.
Solution: Mind the CTA
To make sure that your CTAs are attached to the right content pieces, run through the following exercise for each content item and offer.
Define your audience: Different offers (and the CTAs that go along with them) are most likely aimed at different audience segments. Make a list of all your content pieces and map which audience segment each piece is written for. Then, make a separate list doing the same for every offer you’ve created.
Define your buyer’s journey stage: Keep those lists handy and, in each of them, add another column to map the buyer’s journey stage.
For each content piece and offer, determine if the reader is in the awareness stage (someone who is looking to define a problem), the consideration stage (someone who is looking at their options to solve the problem), or the decision stage (someone who knows how to solve their problem and is choosing who will help them).
Be a matchmaker. Once you’ve determined the audience and buyer’s journey stage for each item, it’s time to match them up.
For example, if you have an article that is written for Buyer A in the awareness stage, then look to use a CTA that prompts the reader to an offer written for the same buyer in the same stage.
Not only does this allow you to provide conversion paths that are appropriate to your readers — meeting them where they are — it allows you to pinpoint content gaps in your editorial calendar.
Lead generation problem #4: Content doesn’t connect
Trying to be everything to everyone (when you don’t really want everyone) might pull in a large amount of traffic, but it won’t do much to create the quality leads you’re looking for.
To get over this hurdle, make sure your content is connecting with the people coming to your site.
Solution: Clarify your value proposition
Make it clear to the reader they’re in the right (or wrong) place by providing a clear value proposition on your home page.
Like anything in marketing, this is easier said than done. Crafting a value statement is a strategic exercise in combining who you serve, what you do, and how you’re different.
The work you put into this, however, will pay off in spades. A good value proposition can not only help guide your content strategy, but it will clearly indicate to site visitors the tone and overall direction of what they’ll get on subsequent pages.
Don’t be afraid to be exclusive. It’s okay to write a value proposition (and other website content) that excludes bad-fit prospects. Allowing people to opt out of what you’re offering will save you both valuable time and effort.
Solution: Write what people want
Covering blog topics your audience actually wants you to write will attract the right people by answering their questions. Your prospects are conducting online research to solve a problem or make a decision. Wouldn’t you rather be the one to educate them and give them honest advice about the next steps they should take?
Content that connects to your audience will keep them on your site, establish trust, and convert them into customers.
Lead generation problem #5: Lack of trust
Alternatively, people won’t do business with you if they feel you’re hiding something from them.
Prospects and visitors who come to a site only to find it doesn’t provide what it promised, is too good to be true, or is void of actual information will cause your website bounce rate to increase exponentially.
Solution: Stay true to your metas
Title tags and meta descriptions are two factors that can drive SEO and are also the two elements that appear on the search page that give your visitors an indication of what they’ll get when they click into your site.
If your titles and metas are misleading, however, your visitors won’t be visitors for long — they’ll leave as soon as they realize you’ve written the meta to get their attention, not to educate them.
Do what you say and say what you’ll do.
Solution: Profile your advocates
No matter how honest you are with your content, you can take your authenticity to the next level by including testimonials from successful clients and happy customers on your site. Visitors are more at ease with what you have to say when they can see actual results from real-life clients.
Assess who would be ideal candidates for case studies and invest the time to conduct interviews with these customers.
For some quicker wins, ask your salespeople and client-facing coworkers to pinpoint their happiest accounts and customers. From there, reach out to satisfied clients and ask them about their experience with you, the results they received, or why they stay with you.
With their permission, you can use their quotes as testimonials throughout your website.
Lead generation problem #6: Setting and forgetting
Getting every element of a website exactly right takes a massive amount of effort and strategic thinking. It’s a rewarding feeling to have it set, but the work on a website is never finished.
Those marketers who take the time to breathe a sigh of relief, leave their site alone, and move on to the next project run the risk of abandoning leads. The attention you spend on maintaining the health of your site extends to the health of your digital pipeline.
Solution: Measure and respond
Think of your website as a living being that needs to be fed and nurtured constantly. Many of the marketing KPIs you should be tracking — traffic-to-lead ratio, landing page conversions, organic traffic — are directly tied to website performance.
Measurement is important to monitor your site’s health, but it’s meaningless if you aren’t acting on what the information is telling you.
Analyze your data on a monthly basis and budget for time to make the changes needed to keep your site on track.
Common problems with several solutions
Is there a single button to push to fix your lead gen problems? Nope — there are several.
The key is figuring out what type of problem you’re having and determining the right solution. Use your analytics to guide you to where you need to look and what you need to do to rewrite, redesign, or repair on your website.
With some strategic improvements, your data and your leads will be headed in the right direction.

Ecommerce Website Design: Convert, Convert, Convert
There ain’t no party like an ecommerce website development party! Unless of course, that website isn’t converting. Ecommerce is a booming industry right now, but 95% of online retailers are not doing it right. The first of many flaws holding back small business owners, the conversion rate optimization of their websites.
So the question remains, how do you build an ecommerce website optimized to convert? The answer is multiple conversion options on multiple funnels. Shoppers these days visit a site from email, social media, paid search, display ads and regular ol’ organic search before they make a purchase.
Your new or existing ecommerce website needs a conversion strategy for every channel. The messages should align, but provide a variety for each user at each stage of their buyers journey. Here are three ideas for the design and strategy of your digital storefront.
Awareness Stage: The Value of Visiting Your Website
In the awareness stage, prospects are not searching for your product. They’re not in Google typing in terms like “black friday electronics near me.” These buyers are people we are reaching out to via programmatic display or social media.
For that reason, your landing page should offer a value similar to the user’s ask. Meaning, they didn’t ask you for pricing, or popular products. They came to your website at your request, so thank them with one of the follow:A percentage discount off their first order.
Downloadable content that solves a pain point. A new article that outlines getting the most out of the product after purchase.
What do these things accomplish?
First, this users first interaction with your brand is now a positive one. Second, you given your loyalty to your prospect before they’ve given anything to you. Third, you’ve now earned a chance to capture the user’s email address and nurture them into a lifelong customer.
Consideration Stage: The Value of Your Brand
In the consideration stage, users are considering your products vs other types of products. For example, if you sell trampolines your prospects may be considering your stock, water slides, batting cages or any other kind of backyard entertainment. In this stage, it’s important your website speaks to the benefits of trampolines versus the other alternatives.
How can your ecommerce website accommodate these users?
Here’s a list of ideas below.
Side by side comparison of your product versus theirs. Create a visual that easily displays the value of your product.
Is your product digital?
Offer a test trial and let users experience first hand the quality you offer.
Create a video archive page. Let users view the product in use before making a final decision.
The reason for these ideas is the intent of the buyers. Buyers in the consideration stage know they have a problem that needs solving, but are considering different solutions. Many times, you can find these users via organic and paid search because they are researching their product options. These articles provide answers to their many questions.
Decision Stage: Why Your Ecommerce Website is The Only Option
In the decision stage, buyers know they have an issue, know which route they’re going and are now deciding on a provider. The decision stage is covered by every channel, because you can retarget via search, social or display. When users search for terms like “best prices on laptops,” they’re showing the intent to purchase. Now is when your website needs to be optimized to convert.
Here are some strategies for your ecommerce website to convert these prospects:
Product page optimization. This seems like an obvious one, but so many ecommerce websites have done it all wrong. Most products page fail to send trust signals and offer too many unnecessary distractions.
Exit intent. You might have got their attention and even provided the best price, but this user is a little jumpy. Make sure you offer additional value before they can leave the page with an exit intent popup.
Account automation. Don’t settle for one purchase. Let your website store user information and establish account pages. This way buyers can make repeat purchases with ease and you can email them when it’s time to buy again.
Remember, ecommerce website design is no easy task. In fact, even the perfectly designed platform will need continuous optimization. Whether you’re looking for a new build, or looking to optimize for more purchases, we hope this article helps you to enhance your ecommerce website’s conversion strategy.
Marketing Foundations: Digital Marketing For Contractors
Digital marketing is for every profession, even contractors. If you’re reading this, and you already know you’re behind, then hurry. The digital marketing bug got a hold of the contracting industry in a big way. Today, most search results are dominated by companies like Home Advisor, Angie’s List, Home Depot, Thumbtack, Buildzoom… Should I continue?
The good news for you is that the digital marketing industry is also dominated by quality, not quantity. Meaning large companies can’t just run over the little guys with bigger budgets. The bottom line is that vendors within every digital channel have more incentive to get paid less and provide a better experience, rather than get paid more and provide users a bad experience.
Because with billions of searches happening everyday, providing a better experience to our prospects assures repeat business. You know what they say, a fast nickel beats a slow dime. So there’s still time for you to build a solid digital foundation. The questions is, where do you start?
In this post, we’ll cover the right digital marketing strategy for contractors. Whether you’re a small family owned shop, or bordering on enterprise, these basic fundamentals are essential to taking the next step.
#1. Technical SEO
Assuming you have a professionally designed website, it’s important that Google knows how to use it. Picture your website as a book. If a user can read through it with ease, then you really have nothing to worry about. On the other hand, if your website is riddled with grammatical mistakes, there are blank pages serving no purpose, the index incorrectly identifies each chapter and the summary completely misidentifies the entire book, then Google will refrain from using it. As you can imagine, even one of these things being wrong is a major red flag for a book, as well as your website.
#2. Content Marketing
You want clients to identify your brand as a resource. Simply put, if your developing and promoting quality content on your website, then you’re good to go. That content is not only available for them to read, educate themselves and address their outstanding concerns, but it’s also there for Google to crawl and index.
Content marketing is an art and a science. Finding the right balance of trending inquiries and creative execution is the key to crafting usable, relevant content. If you’re not sure where to find that data, or how to produce that content, give us a call. We’ll hook you up with a free keyword map of relevant topics, based of market research, to start your content development.
#3. Paid Media for Contractors
Content marketing and search engine optimization take time. You’ll be waiting at least 3-6 months before real traffic comes knocking at your door. Expedite your content awareness with Paid Media, it’s well worth it.
Even if you’ve already accumulated a good amount of organic traffic, the bottom line is you have to pay to play in today’s digital marketing world. Facebook, Google, Amazon and the other tech giants around the globe are in a major cyber war right now. A war for your advertising dollars.
This war, like any competition, has forced all participants to be better. Better at advertising, algorithms, ad spend, targeting, etc… you get the point. They’re trying hard to win you over with results. Take advantage of the digital marketing war by advertising on some of the most efficient Paid Media channels.
We’re digital marketers at Glacier Code. But… if we were contractors… We would recommend diving into the sophisticated algorithm of Facebook, where you can segment by GEO, device, gender, interest and job titles. In other words, you can put an advertisement right in front of a homeowner, in Tennessee, who is a doctor and is interested in home renovations. How bout’ them apples!
Orlando Specific Web Marketing Strategies: Get the most out of your budget
With a booming population and a thriving economy, Orlando is a hub for entrepreneurship. With so many people in such a large geographic area, it’s challenging to reach your target audience with traditional marketing methods. If you’re looking for ways to get the most out of your budget for web marketing, look no further!
It’s time to explore the benefits of search engine optimization, local SEO and paid search advertising. Let us know what you’ve had success with by commenting below or sending us a message on our contact page!
What is Search Engine Optimization?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process by which a website works towards ranking higher in a search results page. SEO relies on keywords, content production, social signals, online reviews and technical setup for optimal results.
There are many ways to optimize a website. To start, try making use of a search engine’s built-in site crawling protocol. Google and Bing both offer a “robots.txt” file that allows a webmaster to control the crawler behavior on their website, including which pages are eligible for indexing and how regularly a page will be crawled (Google only).
Another way to optimize your content is by using keywords in your metadata. Metadata information includes title tags, meta descriptions, headings, captions etc. These pieces of data can help you rank higher with the right words. Be careful not to overstuff your content with irrelevant phrases. Learn more about keyword stuffing tactics below!
What Does Keyword Stuffing Look Like?
You could just reference the examples of keyword stuffing at the top of this article. Keyword stuffing occurs when a person or a company abuses the use of keywords for their own gain. It’s easy to spot keyword stuffing. In most cases you’ll find excessive repetition and unrelated words to a post or article.
For example, if you search “keyword stuffing in this blog” on Google’s Blogger platform, it will return a list of posts that are keyword stuffed; some have over 60% junk words! The following examples show how people try to stuff relevant keywords into their content:
– “We love Orlando web marketing and Orlando digital marketing, and have been practicing Orlando web marketing for hundreds of years!”
Yeah… not good.
“The Best Orlando SEO Company” is now one of the most common phrases used to describe companies who provide various Internet Marketing Services. This phrase has become so popular that some businesses have used it as their name! We’re not saying this won’t work for you, but we recommend avoiding any forms of keyword stuffing.
SEO is time consuming, specifically if done well, if you’re not planning to hire an expert. Consider applying for a free digital marketing strategy. We’ll show how local SEO works and why it’s a game changer for small businesses.
How to Find The Right Keywords For Your Orlando Business
One way to find a few keywords is by using a free keyword tool like Google’s Keyword Planner Tool. This will allow you to search for phrases your potential customers search for and give the competition ranking difficulty of a term.
Another method is through Google Analytics; analyzing where people are coming from, what they’re doing on a site or how much time they spend can provide insight into what words an audience may use when looking for a business in Orlando.
If you have questions about SEO, contact us! You can get in touch with our team through email or phone: or Call (321) 999-5545 to talk to or email us at – we’ll gladly answer all your SEO related questions!
What is Local SEO?
Local SEO is a process that helps a business rank higher in a search engine for a product, service or location specific term. It’s like searching “Orlando web marketing” and looking at the results for just your state instead of across all 50 states!
It may seem counterintuitive to solely focus on one area but there are many benefits to promoting locally: less competition (fewer companies vying for rankings), more targeted audience (it’s easier to reach people who live close by) and increased conversion rates since locals have better access to a company with their handsets compared to those living outside Orlando.
The key strategy here is geo targeting – clustering keywords around an area so local searchers will find you first.
For a small business looking to rank in a local search engine, what is the most important keyword? The name of your own company. It’s an easy and quick way for a customer to find you first!
How to Get Started in Local SEO
It’s simple, start by choosing a city or zip code and then work outward.
For example, if you’re in Phoenix, AZ: “Phoenix Web Design” is a great way for a customer in the area looking for web design to find you on Google. Make sure that your listing includes a link back to your site; this will help show customers how they can get from Point A (search engine results) to Point B – your company!
Now, it’s time to build content around your target keyword, optimizing your metadata for the phrase and then updating your Google My Business profile.
Is It Worth Hiring An SEO Expert?
It is worth hiring an expert. The internet has changed drastically over the past few years with even more changes expected soon- meaning there are new ways of ranking higher online every day!
An SEO expert will have a complete understanding of how search engines work and the most effective ways to rank a business higher in a search engine. Not only that, but an experienced agency will offer more than just web marketing services – they’ll also help with your content writing strategy or analytics across different platforms!
How Much Does it Cost?
Hire a company that can provide a package deal for Orlando based businesses. This will allow you to start SEO, social media promotion, website design and other services at one lower price.
What is Paid Search Advertising?
Paid search is a type of advertising that appears alongside a list of organic results. It can be a cost-effective way to reach a specific audience and rank higher in a local search engine for a product, service or location keyword.
Like social media ads which target an audience based on demographics (age range, sex or interests), paid search marketing also targets customers by day-parting. Meaning users have control over the hours your ads can run!
For example: what if your business has a store open from 11am- 12pm? In that case, then your ads should show up when people are searching between those two times only. Prospects now know where you’re on Google Maps and if you are open. Prominent search examples include “restaurants in Orlando” or “pharmacy near me”.
How to Get Started With PPC
We recommend Google Ads. Start by choosing a keyword and then a day-parting for when the ad will show up. As well, choose a location, demographic or even a device you want to target. You can also integrate your Google My Business account with your Google Ads account in order to see where users are when they click your ad.
To give an example, if you’re a coffee company in Orlando only open during the morning hours: “Orlando Breakfast Spots” will target those customers who are looking for breakfast near them!
Next, choose a bid amount (how much you’ll pay per click) and budget (how many people can see your ads each month). Set a target cost-per-conversion or conversion rate that’s acceptable to you – this should be based on how valuable what it is they do next after clicking through your campaign.
As time passes, track a few different ads and stop the ones that are performing poorly. This will give you a better understanding of which keywords work best for your niche!
Reach customers in a specific city with a well-optimized site and a Google My Business account. Fill your website content with keywords that apply to your industry, use the right metadata for those phrases and then track success using analytics tools!
Paid search advertising is a cost effective way to reach a targeted audience – find out how by reading our article below. Investing in an SEO expert will ensure your business has a chance at ranking higher online than ever before. It’s worth the expense so you can get more clients from potential new customers searching on google or other platforms!
If you’re looking for a complete digital marketing service, we offer free strategies to those who qualify. Apply today!

How To Start Digital Marketing.
Don’t worry if you’re confused about digital marketing and how to use it for your health care practice. You’re in the right place because we have everything you need to know about how to use digital marketing to grow your practice. So keep reading to learn how you can grow your business by growing your presence online.
What Is Digital Marketing?
In short, digital marketing is an umbrella term that covers any marketing that happens online. Everyone is online today. So, whether your healthcare practice covers geriatrics to pediatrics and alternative medicine to weight loss or eye care your patients are online.
You need to leverage the various digital mediums to reach your audience. This includes ranking in the search engines to posting on social media. It also entails email marketing, video marketing, and paid advertising.
The amazing capabilities of digital marketing include how specifically you can target your ideal audience. When you run an ad spot on TV you’re hoping that your potential clients will see it and respond. However, with digital marketing, you can tailor your campaigns to reach exactly the demographic you serve.
Additionally, digital marketing is much more affordable than traditional advertising. So, regardless of how large or small your private practice is you can afford to jump into the digital marketing game.
Types of Digital Marketing
There are dozens of different types of digital marketing. For healthcare digital marketers, the main six types of marketing include:
Creating a responsive website based on SEO best practices
Creating valuable content for your potential patients
Nail your local SEO strategy
Staying social on social media
Email marketing
Collaborative marketing and guest posts
When your healthcare practice successfully implements these six important aspects of digital marketing you will create a continual flow of new leads and future patients.
Why Digital Marketing Is Important?
As we mentioned, the number of people online is growing every day. And people are becoming more inclined to turn to their phones for information about their healthcare rather than asking around for advice or referrals.
And more and more people who utilize healthcare services have attended at least two years of college. They want to work with professionals and your website allows you to show that you’re an authority in your field. When you create valuable content that answers your patients’ most pressing questions you can establish that expertise your patients are looking for.
Additionally, many people are busy these days. It can be hard to remember to schedule their annual eye exam or whether or not they’re taking the best supplements for their health. But you can ensure that your practice stays top of mind when you show up consistently in their inboxes and social media feed.
Overall, the cost to implement digital marketing remains very affordable. When you use location-based, data-driven marketing methods you can slash your overall spending on advertising and marketing. This is why more and more medical practices are realizing the benefits of digital marketing and implementing it successfully.
Content Marketing
Digital marketing has surged with more and more people turning to quick Google searches for their information. This is why your number one priority should be to create a responsive and professional website that you can rank at the top of the search engines.
In addition, content marketing is more than just blog posts and white papers. You can also create video content, infographics, and podcasts.
People are active and busy, they don’t always have time to read a long blog article. However, they can download your podcasts and listen to them on the go. This is a great way to reach more people through audio content marketing.
Regardless of the medium you use, the key to content marketing is to create valuable content that answers your patient’s most pressing questions. Think of the questions you always seem to answer a hundred times every day. These will be the first topics you cover.
Then take the time to research what topics are already being searched for online every day. When you create content that answers these questions you will start to rank in the search engines. And your website will organically bring you new potential patients day in and day out for free.
Local SEO
As you start to do your keyword research for your content marketing you’ll start to see that you’re competing with large national brands. However, as a small local business, you don’t need to worry about competing with these large companies. You’re only interested in target your local audience.
This is where the power of local search engine optimization comes in. You don’t need to worry about finding patients that live multiple states away from you. You need to target the people that live within a certain geographic range near your practice.
And the best way to do that is to optimize your Google My Business profile. So, if you haven’t claimed your business yet this needs to be the first thing you focus on to improve your local search engine optimization strategy. And if you have claimed your business but didn’t enter much more information other than your name, address, and phone number then you still have a lot of work to do.
Did you know that you can create content for your GMB profile as well as your website? Your posts on your GMB profile don’t need to be any longer than around 200-300 words so take short snippets of the content you created for your blog, vlog, or podcast and repurpose them into short posts here.
Additionally, you can add images to your profile. And you can set up text messaging so that when someone is interested in your services they can message directly from their phones. Did you know that mobile “near me” searches have grown over 500% in recent years?
This is why it’s imperative that your practice shows up each time someone searches for a weight loss clinic or eye care specialist near them.
Email Marketing
Too many small business owners have heard the phrase that email marketing is dead. But the truth is that it has only changed. Email marketing still gives business owners the highest ROI when it comes to digital marketing today.
And your health care practice can’t afford to neglect this important aspect of your digital marketing strategy. People might miss your social media posts and they might not have time to download your video or podcast each week. But everyone checks their email multiple times a day.
The key to today’s email marketing success is to remember that the majority are checking their emails on their phones. So keep your emails brief and to the point. Include images and always have a call to action at the end.
These tips are how you can ensure that your email marketing campaigns are in fact not dead. And that you can see the same amazing conversions of successful email marketers.
Social Media Marketing
Never before have business owners had such close and personal access like they do with social media. You can reach your patients right where they are, regardless of where they are or what they’re doing. When the busy soccer mom checks Instagram at her kids’ practice or when the overworked employee mindlessly scrolls Facebook on the train ride home after work, you can reach them right through their phones.
To successfully get your practice in front of your target audience you want to create regular posts that entertain and educate your followers. Don’t constantly post that you’re looking for new patients. Instead, use your social media platforms to provide quick tips about health. And answer short questions about certain health concerns your audience has.
Social media is also a great way to share short videos of you sharing your expertise with your audience. This is a valuable tool to build rapport with your patients and show your authority in your industry. Because social media is so interactive, these platforms give you an amazing opportunity to engage with your audience online.
In addition, with the ability to target specific demographics, locations, and look-a-like audiences your social media advertising can pinpoint exactly who you want to target. And don’t just think about Google Ad Words or Facebook marketing. YouTube marketing offers a plethora of untapped potential along with Instagram and LinkedIn advertising.
10 Statistics That Empower Digital Marketing for Solar Companies
In 2020, the U.S. solar industry grew 43%. That’s awesome, but that also means more competition for you. Are you looking for ways to stand out from your competitors? Do you have a strong digital strategy?
Here are ten statistics that can dramatically improve digital marketing for solar companies. Read on to learn how to blow your competitors right out of the water.
1. Online Sales Model Revives Solar Industry
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many industries, including solar, took a big hit. Without the in-person aspect of selling and installing solar, many solar companies suffered losses in sales.
However, the solar industry quickly learned to adapt to an online sales model and built an online presence. This allowed solar panel companies to stay connected with their customers and to continue business from afar.
In 2020, the U.S. solar industry installed a record of 19.2 gigawatts of capacity. This industry grew 43% from the previous year.
2. Video Backgrounds on Website Can Increase Conversion Rates by 138%
Having transitioned online, the solar industry knows that having a website is crucial to expanding business. But you can’t have just any old website. There’s an art to website design.
One of the key features of a website is the home page or landing page. Adding a video background to the hero section of the landing page can increase conversion rates by 138%.
For solar companies, this is gold. This is your chance to show off solar technology in video format. But be sure that the footage does not make a user feel dizzy from staring.
3. 74% Of Users Appreciate Mobile-Optimized Websites
The age of receiving information at your desk is fading into the background.
Nowadays, people want access to information anywhere and everywhere they go. In fact, 74% of users will return to a website if the site is mobile-optimized.
This means that you must optimize your solar company website with a responsive design. In simple terms, your website visitors should be able to access your site from any device.
Be careful though and choose your hosting wisely. Responsive design takes longer to load, but good hosting can solve that problem.
4. Poor Web Design Loses 38% of Site Traffic
Want to know the single thing that makes your visitors run and click out of your solar company’s site?
Having poor web design. This contributes to a loss of 38% of incoming traffic.
This is not discriminatory. Web design is just part of the overall user experience.
You don’t have to have the most beautiful website in the world. If your website is functional and follows these simple rules of web design, your visitors are more likely to stay.
5. Small Businesses That Blog Win
If you’re a renewable resource company with a blog, you’re already ahead of most of the local companies around you. Small businesses that blog see an increase in lead growth.
It’s not just that you’re on the internet. You have a steady supply of content coming from your site that provides value to your customers and keeps your site fresh. Search engines love that and will rank you first.
Blogging is especially important in the solar industry because your customers are doing in-depth research before they decide to purchase. You want to be the resource that provides them relevant answers to their questions.
6. Video Content Beats Written Content
Blogs are important, but the format of the content matters too. Research shows that 43% of people prefer video content over written content.
This should not be so surprising. The brain processes visual images at a speed 6,000x faster than text.
If you are looking to grow your green energy company, consider tapping into video marketing. Here are some tips we’ve collected to help your video marketing efforts soar through the roof.
7. Testimonials Increase Sales Page Conversion Rates by 34%
Social proof is essential to converting visitors to customers. Including testimonials can increase your sales conversion rates by 34%.
Wherever your happy customers have left a testimonial, collect them and publish them on your site. If you don’t have a record of testimonials, this is your sign to start building it.
Even if they’re not buying yet, this helps potential customers who visit your site to know that you are a trusted solar company. When they’re looking to buy, guess who they’ll think of for the job?
You, of course.
8. Spread the Word With Social Sharing Buttons
People share content all the time. In fact, it’s surprising how often some people share content without reading it first.
59% of people will share an article without having engaged with the content. Why do they do it then? Who knows.
Although this means some of your hard work may be overlooked, your blog content would benefit from you adding social sharing buttons. Take advantage of the information spreading pattern on social media.
This bolsters your online presence and drives traffic right back to your site.
9. Email Marketing Has a 4,400% ROI
Have you ever heard the phrase, “email is king”?
It is for one reason: it has the highest return on investments of any marketing campaign strategy. One dollar spent on email marketing results in at least $44 in sales. That’s a steal.
Use your new solar website to capture emails and bring customers into your orbit. Keep leads warm by consistently engaging with customers over email.
You can also use email to promote new blog content and drive customers back to your site.
10. Social Media Usage Averages 2.5 Hours Daily
If you’re not on social media, you’re missing out. A large majority of your customers are lurking on your website for your social media accounts. They spend 2.5 hours on social media daily.
They want to see more of your solar company before they decide who should install their solar panels. Make sure you’re there.
You can even use social media to promote your content and to drive traffic back to your site. However, your content should exist on your site first, social media second because you own your site. You don’t own your social media.
Use the Best Digital Marketing For Solar Companies
Digital marketing for solar companies can be tricky for an industry that has just transitioned online.
Whether you have an existing digital marketing strategy or you need to create a new one, we offer a digital strategy at no cost to you. We also offer a number of services including SEO, paid ad efforts, web development, and more, to help your solar company thrive.
Get in touch with us to get started today!
Video Marketing Strategies for Contractors
The hardest part of marketing is standing out from the competition. In today’s information-saturated world, customers find plenty of choices just by typing into a search engine.
If you’re a contractor who wants to differentiate your brand, one of the best strategies is video marketing. A video enables the capture of a huge range of messages and information in a short, easily absorbed format. No matter what type of online (or offline) presence your business has, good use of videos is going to add value to almost every aspect of your marketing.
Read on to discover what types of video marketing for contractors are out there, as well as details of how to build a video strategy that will work for you and your business. We also consider the advantages that video marketing can bring, laying out the details of the benefits companies enjoy when they decide to make video a part of their brand.
What is Video Content?
At its most basic, video content is the use of moving visual imagery to convey your message. Within this definition, there is an enormous amount of variety. Videos may be anything from a few seconds long through to several minutes. Instructional (how-to) videos may be even longer. Videos may be silent, use speech, or feature background music. You may find black-and-white videos, animated videos, cartoon videos, or abstract imagery.
Ultimately, the style, content, and format of your video content is determined by the message you wish to convey. There’s no need to stick with a single style for all the videos that your company uses – some contractors decide to have a number of videos created, each of which showcases a particular facet of their organization. This allows significant variety, enabling each video to be specifically tailored to meet its unique objectives.
What are the Various Types of Video Content That Contractors use?
There are several different types of videos available. Depending on your video strategy, some of the options that you may wish to utilize include:
A corporate introduction (for example introducing senior team members and defining the organization’s mission statement).
Content from users (which works particularly well on social media).
A “how-to” or instructional video, perhaps showing how your products work.
An animated product description. This might use animation to detail the unique selling points of your product, show the location of key features, or otherwise demonstrate why what you create is worth having.
A presentation or video of an event.
An interview, perhaps with a company representative, or a satisfied customer (who might provide a video testimonial).
A virtual tour of your company.
Webinar material.
A customized video that’s created to your specifications.
One piece of video marketing may cover several different functions. The final format of your video material depends on what you, as a contractor, feel to be the elements of your organization that are most appropriately presented in a video format.
Using a skilled, experienced marketing company to create your videos can also be valuable. Their representative will usually go through the various options with you, providing advice and guidance on what might work well for your business.
What Objectives can Video Marketing Achieve?
There are a number of advantages that are specific to video marketing, and there are also several marketing objectives that a video is best placed to meet. Below are details of five objectives that a well-made video can achieve.
1. Enhance Brand Awareness
There’s been plenty of research to show that people retain visual imagery more easily and reliably than they do the written word. It’s little surprise that some of the most iconic brands are instantly recognizable from their logo or color scheme, with no reference to the written word.
The same is true of a video – watchers will watch only a few seconds of footage, but in that time, your logo and branding could be displayed dozens of times. Research shows that the average person will look at an online advert for somewhere between one to two seconds. Imagine how much more of an impression you’re going to create if your audience is watching a video that lasts fifteen or twenty seconds.
2. Market Your Organization and Your Product Effectively
Videos are a fantastic marketing tool. A video allows you to showcase your products: not only can users see what the product looks like and get a good sense of its size, a short video that can demonstrate its potential is going to enable a fast appreciation of its unique selling points.
It’s possible to pack an enormous amount of information into a video, at the same time making it entertaining and appealing to watch. Note that videos aren’t just matter-of-fact product listings or documentary-style pieces of film. A skilled video creator will use artistry and proven camera techniques to capture the impression you wish to convey.
A well-chosen backdrop or backing track can evoke an emotion in the watcher that copy alone just can’t match.
3. Novelty Value
It’s not just consumers who value something a little different when it comes to gaining fresh knowledge about products and services – business decision-makers also value an approach that’s fresh and different. Every video created is a unique piece of footage, designed to create the type of content your audience wants to see more of.
Advanced technology gives access to a wide range of different visual effects and options to create videos that are compelling viewing. If you want to grab your audience’s attention, video is the perfect solution.
4. Improve Audience Engagement
Research shows that people of all ages prefer visual content to the written word. The aim of any marketing is to make engagement with content as straightforward and effortless as possible. Developing a video strategy that aims to provide the type of content your audience can’t get enough of can be a key driver of marketing success.
5. Educate Your Audience
Whether you want to show how your products work, demonstrate their benefits, tell your audience more about your organization or deliver messages about your ethics and methods of trading, a video is an effective educational tool.
Not only does video enable new visitors to your site to learn more about you and your products, but a series of educational videos also provides an evergreen resource that users will come back to and share repeatedly.
The Benefits of Video Marketing for Contractors
It’s little surprise that videos are a key part of successful marketing strategies. Not only do they require very little maintenance once uploaded, but a well-made video can also stay current and relevant for years.
If you’re still not sure that video marketing is going to be right for you, take a look at six amazing benefits that contractors can enjoy when they opt for video content.
1. Google Favors Video Content
If you’re wanting to rank highly in search returns (and who doesn’t?), video content could help. Google algorithms pick up relevant video content. It can also carry more weight than text alone, helping your site to gain a more prominent profile.
2. Videos Offer Value-for-Money
Unlike written content, which requires frequent updating to retain relevancy, a video can stay current for months or even years. Given the high levels of engagement and potential conversions that video can generate, its ROI is high compared with other content options.
3. Video Works for Mobile Users
The small screen doesn’t adapt well to vast quantities of written data. In comparison, a video is easy to view, like, and share. In a world where the Internet is accessed from cell phones more frequently than desktops or laptops, a video is potentially a profitable option.
4. Videos Build Trust
Trust is an essential part of any sales transaction. If, as a contractor, you can demonstrate your credentials and trustworthiness to your client base, you’re already well on the way to securing a sale.
Videos make a strong visual statement – creators can build in dialogue, body language, associations, backdrops, and sound that all work together to enhance the trustworthy image you need to convey.
5. Accessing Video is Easy
The easier you can make it for your audience to access information about you and your products, the more likely they are to purchase from you. Consumers are busy people: as such, they crave low-effort solutions to the problems they face. A video provides instant gratification, enabling your audience to find the solutions they seek simply by clicking on an icon.
The effortless nature of video viewing is one of the key reasons it’s such a successful marketing medium.
6. Fast, Simple Explanations
One of the major benefits of a video is that it enables complex concepts and lengthy pieces of information to be rapidly conveyed in seconds. This makes it highly versatile – whether you sell heavy plant, legal services, technical manuals, or any other sophisticated product, video allows you to convey what it is and how it can work for users in a rapid, accessible manner.
With so many benefits, it’s clear why a growing number of contractors include videos in their advertising, on their websites, and as part of their social media presence.
Ready to enjoy the added revenue a video can bring? Get in touch for further information?
10 Lead Generation Tips for Solar Panel Installers
Are you struggling to generate leads for your solar panel installation company? You’re not the only one. In fact, about 65% of businesses are struggling to boost traffic and leads. Without a lead generation strategy, you could fall behind the competition.
Instead, consider using these 10 lead generation tips for solar panel installers. With these tips, you can boost your online visibility and generate high-quality leads. You can even improve your ROI in the process.
Get started with these 10 easy tips to give your business the boost it needs
1. Establish Your Brand
It takes between five to seven impressions before you start building brand awareness. Consistency and repetition are key. Otherwise, consumers might struggle to recognize your solar panel installation company on site.
It only takes 10 seconds for people to form an impression about your brand. You need to make those 10 seconds count. How do you want to perceive your business?
Before you use these lead generation tips, it’s important to consider your company’s brand. How do you set yourself apart from competitors? What unique value can you offer customers?
Your unique brand value will give people a reason to choose your business. You can highlight your value as you develop your brand guidelines. Other important components of your brand include:
Mission statement
Color scheme
Font styles
Imagery styles
Try to prioritize customer service as you develop your brand, too. About 73% of consumers love a brand because of great customer service. Great service leaves a strong, positive impression. Then, customers will come back for more. Over time, brand trust can turn into brand loyalty. Loyalty is worth 10 times as much as a single purchase. In fact, a 2% increase in retention can lower costs by as much as 10%, too.
Consumers will start advocating your business, helping you reach new customers. Meanwhile, lowering costs can help your ROI grow.
It’s important to keep your branding consistent across all marketing channels as well. Otherwise, you could confuse customers. If they see a different brand between your website and social media, they’ll think you’re a different business.
Consistent branding increases revenues by up to 23%. By maintaining brand consistency, brand recognition can grow.
2. Start Researching
In order to build a strong lead generation strategy, it helps to learn more about your customers. Otherwise, you’ll fail to create messaging that draws them in. You might waste valuable time dealing with low-quality leads.
Instead, gather psychographic and demographic research. Learn more about the customers’:
Pain points
Buying behaviors
Search behaviors
Marital status
Household income
Are you targeting a broad audience? Segment your customers into smaller groups, or personas. Then, use these lead generation tips with each segment in mind.
Learning more about your solar panel installation customers can help you attract relevant consumers. You can personalize your content to connect with your target audience.
You’ll need keyword research before developing your lead generation strategy, too. What keywords do your customers use to find your business? For example, they might type “solar panel installation near me” or “how to install solar panels.”
Understanding their search behaviors will help you appear for those searches.
You can use tools like Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMRush, and Answer the Public for keyword research.
3. Update Your Website
You can’t sit by the phone all day, every day. Your website can help you generate leads 24/7, even while you’re busy with customers. Optimizing your website for leads can help you save time and boost your ROI.
What do consumers see when they visit your website? Are your pages optimized to gather leads? If your website is difficult to use, they might leave.
When people leave without clicking around, your clickthrough rate and dwell times will drop. Meanwhile, your bounce rate will rise. A high bounce rate can have a negative impact on your search engine ranking.
The lower you rank, the less likely consumers will see your website. You could struggle to generate traffic and leads.
Instead, update your website with user experience (UX) design trends in mind. You can work with an experienced web design and development agency. They’ll ensure your website is fast and easy to use.
A slow website could scare away visitors. It could impact your search ranking as well. Check Google’s PageSpeed Insights to determine what’s causing your site to slow down.
Make sure you’re mobile-optimized, too. You’ll need a mobile-optimized website for search engine optimization and digital advertising.
Consider using heatmaps to better place your lead forms and call-to-action (CTA) buttons as well. Otherwise, consider adding a chat function. Creating different ways for people to convert can help you generate more leads!
4. Create Engaging Content
What valuable information can your solar panel installers share with customers? What unique experience and expertise can you offer? Your content marketing strategy can help you reel in new leads.
First, make sure to create a lead magnet on your website. For example, you can offer an eBook in exchange for the consumer’s email. Then, you can start gathering leads and grow your email list.
Start creating different forms of content on your website, including:
Blog posts and articles
Videos (company culture, how-tos, vlogs, testimonials, etc.)
Find new ways to keep people informed on your website.
Then, end each post with a strong CTA. Encourage people to contact you for more information about solar panel installation.
5. Optimize for Search
Search engine optimization (SEO) can boost your website’s ranking on Google. The higher you rank, the more likely people will see you online. The next time someone searches for “solar panel installation near me,” your website could appear.
You can optimize your fresh content for SEO by using targeted keywords. Make sure to gather keyword research before you get started. Then, make sure the post’s target keyword appears in the:
Page title
Meta description
Image alt text
Opening and closing paragraphs
Body copy
An H1
You can also use local SEO to reach nearby customers.
Leads from SEO have a 14.6% close rate.
Meanwhile, nearly 80% of people who search on their smartphones visit a business within a day. Nearly 30% of these searches lead to a purchase, too.
When SEO, you can attract fresh leads and improve your ROI.
6. Send Out Emails
Once you start developing your email list, start sending engaging emails to your subscribers. Let people know about any deals you’re offering. Keep them up-to-date about changes in the industry, too.
Make sure to close your emails with a strong CTA. Encourage people to contact you regarding solar panel installation. That way, you can boost engagement and start nurturing your leads.
7. Ask for Reviews and Referrals
Customers might struggle to choose you as their solar panel installers if people don’t already trust your business. In fact, about 95% of customers read reviews before making purchases. Another 93% read reviews to determine a local business’s quality.
Customers even spend 31% more when a business has positive reviews.
Start asking your happy customers to post their reviews on your Google My Business (GMB) listing. Happy reviews can benefit your SEO strategy as well. You can reach more customers and improve your brand’s reputation.
Consider creating a referral program, too. Reward your customers for spreading the word about your business. With their help, you can draw new customers in through word-of-mouth.
8. Create PPC Ads
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising allows businesses to create digital ads on search engines and social media platforms. Your ads can appear on Google, Bing, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram. Eye-catching, engaging ads can help you build brand awareness.
They can also set you apart from competitors in the industry.
Use your PPC ads to help people learn more about your solar panel installation services. With Google, you can show off your features and pricing. You can also link consumers to specific pages on your website.
When they reach your landing pages, show off your unique value. Then, use a strong CTA to encourage conversions. You can prompt consumers to call you or fill out a form.
Create remarketing ads, too. Remarketing ads appear in front of people who previously visited your website. With remarketing, you can create top-of-mind.
9. Stay Social
Social media marketing can help you connect with your target audience.
What questions are they asking regarding solar panel installers? Use those questions to inform your content marketing strategy. Then, share your fresh content on social media.
As people comment on your posts, make sure to comment back. Use social listening tools to keep track of customer engagement. That way, you can learn which posts are generating results.
Don’t forget to keep up with the trends. Following trends can help you appear relevant in front of your customers.
Create a branded hashtag for your business, too!
10. Start Automating
Automation can help you save valuable time with these lead generation strategies. You can keep marketing and focus on your solar panel installation business.
For example, you can create an automated chatbot that will answer consumer questions on your website. Consider using email drip campaigns and triggers, too. You can even automate portions of your PPC ad campaigns.
Machine learning and automation will help you boost your productivity.
How To Start Digital Marketing.
Don’t worry if you’re confused about digital marketing and how to use it for your health care practice. You’re in the right place because we have everything you need to know about how to use digital marketing to grow your practice. So keep reading to learn how you can grow your business by growing your presence online.
What Is Digital Marketing?
In short, digital marketing is an umbrella term that covers any marketing that happens online. Everyone is online today. So, whether your healthcare practice covers geriatrics to pediatrics and alternative medicine to weight loss or eye care your patients are online.
You need to leverage the various digital mediums to reach your audience. This includes ranking in the search engines to posting on social media. It also entails email marketing, video marketing, and paid advertising.
The amazing capabilities of digital marketing include how specifically you can target your ideal audience. When you run an ad spot on TV you’re hoping that your potential clients will see it and respond. However, with digital marketing, you can tailor your campaigns to reach exactly the demographic you serve.
Additionally, digital marketing is much more affordable than traditional advertising. So, regardless of how large or small your private practice is you can afford to jump into the digital marketing game.
Types of Digital Marketing
There are dozens of different types of digital marketing. For healthcare digital marketers, the main six types of marketing include:
Creating a responsive website based on SEO best practices
Creating valuable content for your potential patients
Nail your local SEO strategy
Staying social on social media
Email marketing
Collaborative marketing and guest posts
When your healthcare practice successfully implements these six important aspects of digital marketing you will create a continual flow of new leads and future patients.
Why Digital Marketing Is Important
As we mentioned, the number of people online is growing every day. And people are becoming more inclined to turn to their phones for information about their healthcare rather than asking around for advice or referrals.
And more and more people who utilize healthcare services have attended at least two years of college. They want to work with professionals and your website allows you to show that you’re an authority in your field. When you create valuable content that answers your patients’ most pressing questions you can establish that expertise your patients are looking for.
Additionally, many people are busy these days. It can be hard to remember to schedule their annual eye exam or whether or not they’re taking the best supplements for their health. But you can ensure that your practice stays top of mind when you show up consistently in their inboxes and social media feed.
Overall, the cost of implementing digital marketing remains very affordable. If you use location-based, data-driven marketing methods, you can slash your overall spending on advertising and marketing. This is why more and more medical practices are realizing the benefits of digital marketing and implementing it successfully.
How Is Digital Marketing Used in Healthcare?
Earlier we briefly touched on different types of digital marketing. But let’s dive into some specifics so you can see just how you can start using digital marketing in your healthcare practice.
Content Marketing
Digital marketing has surged, with more and more people turning to quick Google searches for their information. This is why your number one priority should be to create a responsive and professional website that you can rank at the top of the search engines.
In addition, content marketing is more than just blog posts and white papers. You can also create video content, infographics, and podcasts.
People are active and busy, they don’t always have time to read a long blog article. However, they can download your podcasts and listen to them on the go. This is a great way to reach more people through audio content marketing.
Regardless of the medium you use, the key to content marketing is to create valuable content that answers your patient’s most pressing questions. Think of the questions you always seem to answer a hundred times every day. These will be the first topics you cover.
Then take the time to research what topics are already being searched for online every day. When you create content that answers these questions you will start to rank in the search engines. And your website will organically bring you new potential patients day in and day out for free.
Local SEO
As you start doing your keyword research for your content marketing you’ll start to see that you’re competing with large national brands. However, as a small local business, you don’t need to worry about competing with these large companies. You’re only interested in targeting your local audience.
This is where the power of local search engine optimization comes in. You don’t need to worry about finding patients that live multiple states away from you. You need to target the people that live within a certain geographic range near your practice.
The best way to do that is to optimize your Google My Business profile. So, if you haven’t claimed your business yet this needs to be the first thing you focus on to improve your local search engine optimization strategy. And if you have claimed your business but didn’t enter much more information other than your name, address, and phone number then you still have a lot of work to do.
Did you know that you can create content for your GMB profile as well as your website? Your posts on your GMB profile don’t need to be any longer than around 200-300 words so take short snippets of the content you created for your blog, vlog, or podcast and repurpose them into short posts here.
Additionally, you can add images to your profile. And you can set up text messaging so that when someone is interested in your services they can message directly from their phones. Did you know that mobile “near me” searches have grown over 500% in recent years?
This is why it’s imperative that your practice shows up each time someone searches for a weight loss clinic or eye care specialist near them.
Email Marketing
Too many small business owners have heard the phrase that email marketing is dead. But the truth is that it has only changed. Email marketing still gives business owners the highest ROI when it comes to digital marketing today.
And your health care practice can’t afford to neglect this important aspect of your digital marketing strategy. People might miss your social media posts and they might not have time to download your video or podcast each week. But everyone checks their email multiple times a day.
The key to today’s email marketing success is to remember that the majority are checking their emails on their phones. So keep your emails brief and to the point. Include images and always have a call to action at the end.
These tips are how you can ensure that your email marketing campaigns are in fact not dead. And that you can see the same amazing conversions of successful email marketers.
Social Media Marketing
Never before have business owners had such close and personal access like they do with social media. You can reach your patients right where they are, regardless of where they are or what they’re doing. When the busy soccer mom checks Instagram at her kids’ practice or when the overworked employee mindlessly scrolls Facebook on the train ride home after work, you can reach them right through their phones.
To successfully get your practice in front of your target audience, you want to create regular posts that entertain and educate your followers. Don’t constantly post that you’re looking for new patients. Instead, use your social media platforms to provide quick tips about health. Answer short questions about certain health concerns your audience has.
Social media is also a great way to share short videos of you sharing your expertise with your audience. This is a valuable tool to build rapport with your patients and show your authority in your industry. Because social media is so interactive, these platforms give you an amazing opportunity to engage with your audience online.
In addition, with the ability to target specific demographics, locations, and look-a-like audiences, your social media advertising can pinpoint exactly who you want to target. And don’t just think about Google Ad Words or Facebook marketing. YouTube marketing offers a plethora of untapped potential along with Instagram and LinkedIn advertising.
10 Statistics That Empower Digital Marketing for Solar Companies
In 2020, the U.S. solar industry grew 43%. That’s awesome, but that also means more competition for you. Are you looking for ways to stand out from your competitors? Do you have a strong digital strategy?
Here are ten statistics that can dramatically improve digital marketing for solar companies. Read on to learn how to blow your competitors right out of the water.
1. Online Sales Model Revives the Solar Industry
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many industries, including solar, took a big hit. Without the in-person aspect of selling and installing solar, many solar companies suffered losses in sales.
However, the solar industry quickly learned to adapt to an online sales model and built an online presence. This allowed solar panel companies to stay connected with their customers and to continue business from afar.
In 2020, the U.S. solar industry installed a record 19.2 gigawatts of capacity. This industry grew 43% from the previous year.
2. Video Backgrounds on Website Can Increase Conversion Rates by 138%
Having transitioned online, the solar industry knows that having a website is crucial to expanding business. But you can’t have just any old website. There’s an art to website design.
One of the key features of a website is the home page or landing page. Adding a video background to the hero section of the landing page can increase conversion rates by 138%.
For solar companies, this is gold. This is your chance to show off solar technology in video format. But be sure that the footage does not make a user feel dizzy from staring.
3. 74% Of Users Appreciate Mobile-Optimized Websites
The age of receiving information at your desk is fading into the background.
Nowadays, people want access to information anywhere and everywhere they go. In fact, 74% of users will return to a website if the site is mobile-optimized.
This means that you must optimize your solar company website with a responsive design. In simple terms, your website visitors should be able to access your site from any device.
Be careful though and choose your hosting wisely. Responsive design takes longer to load, but good hosting can solve that problem.
4. Poor Web Design Loses 38% of Site Traffic
Want to know the single thing that makes your visitors run and click out of your solar company’s site?
Having poor web design. This contributes to a loss of 38% of incoming traffic.
This is not discriminatory. Web design is just part of the overall user experience.
You don’t have to have the most beautiful website in the world. If your website is functional and follows these simple rules of web design, your visitors are more likely to stay.
5. Small Businesses That Blog Win
If you’re a renewable resource company with a blog, you’re already ahead of most of the local companies around you. Small businesses that blog see an increase in lead growth.
It’s not just that you’re on the internet. You have a steady supply of content coming from your site that provides value to your customers and keeps your site fresh. Search engines love that and will rank you first.
Blogging is especially important in the solar industry because your customers are doing in-depth research before they decide to purchase. You want to be the resource that provides them relevant answers to their questions.
6. Video Content Beats Written Content
Blogs are important, but the format of the content matters too. Research shows that 43% of people prefer video content over written content.
This should not be so surprising. The brain processes visual images at a speed 6,000x faster than text.
If you are looking to grow your green energy company, consider tapping into video marketing. Here are some tips we’ve collected to help your video marketing efforts soar through the roof.
7. Testimonials Increase Sales Page Conversion Rates by 34%
Social proof is essential to converting visitors to customers. Including testimonials can increase your sales conversion rates by 34%.
Wherever your happy customers have left a testimonial, collect them and publish them on your site. If you don’t have a record of testimonials, this is your sign to start building it.
Even if they’re not buying yet, this helps potential customers who visit your site to know that you are a trusted solar company. When they’re looking to buy, guess who they’ll think of for the job?
You, of course.
8. Spread the Word With Social Sharing Buttons
People share content all the time. In fact, it’s surprising how often some people share content without reading it first.
59% of people will share an article without having engaged with the content. Why do they do it then? Who knows.
Although this means some of your hard work may be overlooked, your blog content would benefit from you adding social sharing buttons. Take advantage of the information spreading pattern on social media.
This bolsters your online presence and drives traffic right back to your site.
9. Email Marketing Has a 4,400% ROI
Have you ever heard the phrase, “email is king”?
It is for one reason: it has the highest return on investments of any marketing campaign strategy. One dollar spent on email marketing results in at least $44 in sales. That’s a steal.
Use your new solar website to capture emails and bring customers into your orbit. Keep leads warm by consistently engaging with customers over email.
You can also use email to promote new blog content and drive customers back to your site.
10. Social Media Usage Averages 2.5 Hours Daily
If you’re not on social media, you’re missing out. A large majority of your customers are lurking on your website for your social media accounts. They spend 2.5 hours on social media daily.
They want to see more of your solar company before they decide who should install their solar panels. Make sure you’re there.
You can even use social media to promote your content and to drive traffic back to your site. However, your content should exist on your site first, social media second because you own your site. You don’t own your social media.
Use the Best Digital Marketing For Solar Companies
Digital marketing for solar companies can be tricky for an industry that has just transitioned online.
Whether you have an existing digital marketing strategy or you need to create a new one, we offer a digital strategy at no cost to you. We also offer a number of services including SEO, paid ad efforts, web development, and more, to help your solar company thrive.
Get in touch with us to get started today!
Here Comes the Sun: 10 Lead Generation Strategies for Solar Panel Installers
Don’t let your solar panel installation business fall behind this year. Instead, use these 10 lead generation strategies for solar panel installers. With these tips, you can boost brand awareness and draw in new customers.
Help your business stand apart with these 10 strategies today!
Want to improve your digital presence and generating leads? We can help.
Request a free digital marketing strategy to get started.
How To Announce A New Website: 10 Strategic Internet Marketing Tactics
Strategic planning when determining how to announce a new website on the internet is a must. Obviously social media will be dispatched, but which platforms? Twitter or Facebook? Instagram or YouTube? Will guest blogging be used? What about social media ads?
There are many tactics to take advantage of when figuring out how to announce a new website.
But an internet marketer must be diligent with these tactics. A new website will not get a top Google ranking overnight. Determining how to announce a new website involves routine posting, blogging, networking, and more. But knowing what work to do and which strategies to use when figuring out how to announce a new website to search engines is paramount. Let’s review 10 now:
1. Offer a Great Product
When figuring out how to announce a new website, give-a-ways, discounts, and other offers are effective in reeling in traffic. But what if there is no product to give?
Easy. Create an incredible how-to guide that caters to readers. For example, if the website deals with parenting, offer an “ultimate guide” to preparing for a new baby. If it’s an internet marketing website, create a free “How-To For Creating Successful Social Media Ads That Convert” on the site to generate traffic.
TIP: Keep the guide on the site to keep the audience coming back to the site and share it. This, in turn, increases its relevance on search engines.
TIP #2: Set up a CTA (call to action) at the end of the guide for readers to sign up for the email list.
2. Have Viral Content Ready For Publishing
How does an internet marketer determine what content will be viral when figuring out how to announce a new website? It’s simple: look at the popular content of competitors and create content that goes further than theirs did.
For example, if a new finance website wants to determine what content their audience will like, they may want to look at the most shared content on finance sites or study what finance content has been published lately on sites like Forbes and The New York Times.
Figuring out how to announce a new website will involve some strategic finesse when it comes to following trends.
Luckily, it’s a simple and effective tactic.
3. Build Relationships
A wise internet marketer will follow influencers whose brains they can pick.
When crafting a launch to announce a new website, there are many ways to reach influencers and the target audience.
Create a survey
Asking current followers (or friends) what type of content they want to read in the respective niche. Is the website about finance? Ask questions that get answers about travel credit cards, paying for college, first time home owners, etc.
TIP: Collect emails in this survey for the website’s email list.
Invite friends, family, current followers
When learning how to announce a new website, the followers and traffic may be lagging. So, tell friends and family about it.
Reach out to influencers
These influencers may have podcasts and online chats with their audience. Be a participant in these events.
Guest Posts on larger websites
Pitch ideas to larger websites in the same niche with links back your website in your post.
TIP: Make sure to include a link to the new website in the signature.
4. Create Regular Content
A new website needs trending, fresh, routine content. New content also allows for more SEO utilizing, allowing Google and Bing to index the site in search results faster.
5. Use Social Media Ads
When determining how to announce a new website, one thinks about advertising.
And for good reason: 80-95% of social advertisers use social media ads (specifically Facebook) for their business. With 2 billion active users on Facebook, it would be crazy not to take advantage of that. Plus, ads can quickly sell a product or service which, in turns, generates traffic to a new website.
TIP: Ads are an effective way to build an email list, too.
6. Know What The Ideal Audience Talks About
Blog comments, reddit trends, and comments on social media posts hold a wealth of marketing info. When planning how to announce a new website, find out the ideal customer’s pain points from these forums and create content around these themes.
7. Create Videos
The second most visited website in the world is YouTube (the first is Google).
Why? Because YouTube provides videos to build a house, build a car, start a business, breastfeed a baby, or plant a tree. It’s a powerful tool when determining how to announce a new website to the world. Video marketing provides immediate demonstrations for virtually anything. And that’s what customers want: quick answers to their problems.
8. Is The Website Ready For Business?
Does the site look professional? Has content been spelled checked? Is the website in compliance with internet regulations? Many new internet marketers make the mistake in thinking their website can look ho-hum and still generate massive traffic.
A new website is usually the first impression of a business. Make it good!
9. Face to Face Conferences
Don’t forget networking opportunities at conferences.
Networking conferences are great ways to find out trends in a niche and find out who major players are. It’s an excellent time to chat it up with millionaires in the same niche and pick their brains about tips invaluable to a new internet marketer.
10. Consider Starting Local
Consider using SEO in local communities when determining how to announce a new website. If the new website is for a marketing business in Charlotte, design SEO keywords targeting people in that city. For example, a good search engine keyword like “best marketing companies in charlotte” produces over 51 million Google results.
When figuring out how to announce a new website, it’s a lot of work but it’s not impossible.
And with routine execution of these tactics will come an increase in website traffic, more email list sign ups and, of course, more sales. A new website will find its place in the crowded internet world in no time.
Got some tips about how to announce a new website not listed here? Share them below!
10 Ways SEO for A New Website Can Increase Your Google Ranking
SEO for a new website is necessary for readers to discover it.
And how exactly do new content marketers do that?
Well, it helps to know a little about how SEO works first.
SEO (search engine optimization) is the art of increasing a website’s search engine ranking.
How will the website be found? How will folks discover it on social media? SEO accomplishes these common dilemmas in online marketing.
Unfortunately, SEO for a new website is often misunderstood.
Many new website owners will stuff keywords all over the place. It’s in their website title, H1 tags, blog posts, out-bound links, etc. Search engines could suspect spam and web traffic will suffer.
Others will beg larger websites for back links to their site…but the linking site has poor-quality content. If external and internal links on a site are filled with links to low reputable sites, SEO for a new website will fail.
Luckily, there are ways to ensure SEO for a new website will generate organic growth from search engines.
Create Content With The Right Keywords
It’s easy to get caught up in keyword competition.
But it should go without saying that using keywords that are appropriate for the content on a website is SEO for a new website 101.
If the site is about gambling but uses keywords targeting video games but the content does not reflect both topics, how confused will search engines be?
Very! And the website’s search ranking will suffer as well.
Create Scannable Content
Remember those long, dry blocks of content in history books in high school?
Yeah…don’t do that with website content.
Most online readers are trying to extract information quickly. So, creating scannable content will help SEO for a new website tremendously.
And there are several easy to accomplish this:
Use short sentences.
Readers scan content just like a search engine, so short phases are optimal for using SEO for a new website.
Use short paragraphs.
There will be times when a content marketer provides more details in content. It’s good practice to keep paragraphs to 3 -4 sentences so readers can read them quickly.
Use bulleted or numbered lists.
Lists are quick reads and make for excellent placement for anchor texts and targeted keywords.
Infographics are a great way to convey information to a reader in an attractive way while incorporating keyword tags in pictures and graphics metadata for SEO for a new website.
Use Bold, Italicize, and White Space.
Who would have known that CTRL+B could make a difference in making content scannable! Bolding, italicizing, and white space helps call out important information that content marketers want readers to capture.
Link To Relevant Sites With The Right Keywords
Until a website gets a little more search engine clout, there will always be a website with a greater reputation.
Don’t be so quick to look at competitors as enemies.
Linking to other optimized content helps search engines determine how relevant websites are. Thus, increasing the linking website’s search ranking.
Get Links From Relevant Sites - With The Right Keywords.
SEO for a new website works in reverse when a content marketer is so fortunate to receive a back link from more reputable sources. For the same reason listed above: it helps Google and Bing push a website’s search rank to the top. Pay Attention to Web Analytics
A website’s analytics will help determine invaluable data to drive web traffic.
When using SEO for a new website, web analytics can show metrics like:
Which keywords are generating the most search engine traffic
Which web pages get the most traffic
Where backlinks are coming from
How many likes/shares a website’s posts received
How a website compares to competitors
Use Long-Tail Keywords
Most content marketers go for top performing keywords when using SEO for a new website.
But optimizing unique long-tail keywords helps search engines determine if a website is relevant for that specific search term far quicker than short-tail keywords.
It’s smart SEO for a new website trying to build a reputation.
Stop Neglecting Metadata
Search engines scan all content.
This includes a webpage’s metadata.
Content, headlines, pictures, videos. They all can hold metadata and a smart content marketer will ensure specific keyword tags are embedded here.
Follow The Right Social Media Influencers
Take note of the topics being discussed by influencers. Do they use long-form blog posts? What do their landing pages look like? What products do they sell?
A new website can easily build a mighty content strategy just following what top influencers do.
Use those keywords in tweets, Facebook ads and posts, guest blogs routinely and search engines will take notice.
Is The Site Responsive?
Statistics say people get 70-80% of their information from cell phones.
When they visit a new website, content should load easily, pages should load quickly, videos should play with one click, and information should not be cut off because of the smaller screen ratio.
SEO for a new website should include a responsive theme.
Don’t Forget to Spell Check Content!
Misuse of language semantics, misspelled words, keyword stuffing, and just bad content formatting is a fast way for search engines to determine if a website is spam.
Always spell and grammar check content when using SEO for a new website trying to build a reputation with Google.
SEO for a new website takes work. A new site will not rank high on any search engine overnight.
Fortunately, it’s simple to make SEO work for any website, new or old.
Taking advantage of these tips on a routine basis will eventually make Google and Bing thank a new website with an increase in search ranking in no time.
Why Small Businesses Should Invest in Brand Identity Design
Reasons for investing in logo design are pretty obvious. It’s an icon, illustration, text, or any other form of a simple visual, that communicates to your customer who you are, what your business is about, what it sells, what values it stands for and what characteristics it shares. Very often it is the first attempt of forming a connection with a potential client or buyer. Moreover, it is also the primary step in the creation of brand recognition.
Owners of small and big businesses, CEOs, heads of marketing, creative directors and whole teams work on building a brand. Starting with the mentioned logo and a business name, through offered services, to marketing strategies. However, where does branding go? A logo isn’t sufficient to form an entire brand identity. Even in a combination with a website, no matter how well the two are designed, most probably they won’t cover something as broad, and often intangible, as branding.
What Is Brand Identity Design?
What nowadays became more important than a single logo is brand identity design. What is it exactly? In short, it is an extension of a logo. Standard packages usually include specified brand colors, fonts, business card design, letterhead, envelopes, and compliment notes design. Summarizing, it covers all business stationary and defines what fonts, colors as well as design basics a company should use for other marketing items such as merchandise products, name tags, napkins, take away cups as well as websites, social media accounts, and mobile applications.
Is It Really That Necessary?
As imagined, since brand identity design includes a number of various items, it costs more than a logo. For big companies, the extra cost isn’t a very big deal as the difference isn’t enormous. However, small businesses, startups especially, could see it as an unnecessary expense. An aspect like this, previously not taken under consideration when creating a budget, might not seem very attractive. After all, the business probably already has a logo. Why spend extra money on brand identity? Won’t logo be sufficient for the beginning?
In short term, the benefits of investing in a brand identity don’t seem major. However, long term effects will show that working on creating brand consistency across all levels and taking care of brand recognition can either make or break the future of the business. It might define how the company is perceived by the target audience. Consistency is directly correlated with professionalism. And that’s something majority of brands want to be associated with.
Who Can Design It?
Of course, a graphic designer. However, do not go to the first person you know. First, always do your market research and see what you are able to afford. Both in terms of money as well as time. One option is going to a graphic design agency. These places are full of top-level professionals who will certainly deliver work of great quality. However, they tend to charge a fortune and take time to complete a project.
Another option is hiring a freelancer. These individuals charge less and deliver the finished product way faster. However, it is more difficult to assure whether it’s the right person for the job. What is this person’s experience? Is there a brand identity portfolio they are able to present you? What about references and recommendation? Have a few freelancers and compare their offers and skills before choosing one.
The third option is heading to a graphic design platform which connects business representatives with (freelance) designers. Many are relatively affordable and contest-based. This means that there are multiple designers working on one project and the client can choose the best one – the winner.
Design platforms offer the client multiple different brand identities to choose from, all of which should theoretically be high quality as the idea is for the designers to compete and try their best to become the winner. However, in reality, the delivered work might not be as original and creative as imagined. Then indeed, the investment isn’t worth it. Here again, have a few platforms compared and pick the one that has the best offer.

10 Questions To Ask A Web Developer Before Hiring
Like most professionals, web developers benefit from one major advantage over their clients. That is, web developers understand their craft much better than you ever will. Therefor, finding a web developer you would trust with your business life is critical.
Yet, most of us don’t know have best friends that are also fluent in code. Just like when we hand over our keys to the local mechanic, when we hire a web developer we’re mostly hoping they’re moral compass is in tune. All this leads us to the big question, How can you be sure your next web developer is trustworthy, or even competent?
In this article, we’ll give you the right questions to ask your next web developer. These questions are designed to explore the competency and the trustworthiness of your prospective vendor. Don’t worry if you can’t grade every answer. We’ll let you know what to look for. Enjoy!
#1 Google’s Index Is {Fill In The Blank} First?
A great test question. The correct answer to this question is ‘mobile.’ Why is this so critical? Your web developer may or may not offer marketing services. Regardless, they should understand the importance of responsive (mobile adapting) programming. Google weighs mobile traffic heavier than desktop. If your developer knows that, than they know to prioritize your mobile design and development.
#2 How Can You Justify Your Cost Against Inexpensive Platforms Such As Squarespace?
Squarespace, WIx and even most hosting companies provide some sort of easy to use website builder. Not only are these services becoming more popular, but they’re also getting better and more inexpensive. The documentation on these services is extensive, and the DIY types can really make a quality product with a little elbow grease. The truth is, a pretty face on your new website just won’t cut it anymore.
Your prospective web developer shouldn’t evade this question, but instead embrace it. The truth is, yes there are very inexpensive options available. They’re not magic and there is a learning curve to these systems, but you can save a few dollars.
So, how can they possibly justify their cost? The answer is the return. Hopefully, your prospective developer is speaking to the potential return with a website designed to convert more leads and produce additional revenue. As well as provide a product that’s easier for you to self manage and save you money down the road on expensive issues that arise from DIY projects. In short, the cost is justified by providing a product that generates more in the long run.
#3 What CMS Do You Recommend & Why?
Every web development agency has their own preference, but there are some CMS options that are red flags. As well, this question is important because your developer should be willing to educate you on what they choose and why. Just the same, your web developer should be able to tell you what they will not recommend and why not.
The red flags are simple. First flag is having no preference. No preference means they don’t have enough experience to commit to a solid recommendation for their clients. Second red flag is a custom CMS. Custom CMS builders are usually traps. Custom CMS typically require lots of future maintenance. Seeing as they’re custom and only understood by the original developer, you’re locked into their expensive rates to repair issues they failed to fix pre launch. If your prospective web developer is bragging about their custom CMS, turn and run.
#4 When You Rebuild My Website, How Are You Going To Maintain Or Improve The Site Architecture?
Another great test of future performance. Again, not all web development agencies focus on marketing, but they should have an understanding of what might negatively impact you in the future.
The correct answer to this question is something similar to the following. First, we’ll crawl your existing website and download your existing architecture. We’ll then fit your URL structure into our wireframe. Any pages that are eliminated, or recommendations that are accepted and implemented, will then be accounted for by a 301 redirect strategy.
What does all of this mean?
This means that your new website won’t shoot out red flags, or missing pages, to Google after launch. If your new website is launched and a bunch of pre existing pages have been removed, Google will flag your website with one error for every missing page. Then you will most likely be punished with lower rankings in the popular search engine.
#5 In Detail, Explain To Me How My New Website Will Comply With The GDPR
Another competency test, this question will reveal how familiar with recent events and best practices your prospective web development agency is. The GDPR is not yet established in the US, but user privacy is a major concern these days and we would still recommend GDPR compliance. It shows users that you’re serious about their privacy and the experience they have on your website.
Be sure your web development agency has user experience in mind, including the protection and encryption of any data released on your website. They should look for opportunities to display the efforts taken for GDPR compliance, as this will signal trust to your users.
#6 Besides A Fresh Design, How Do You Plan To Upgrade My Web Presence?
This is one of, if not the most important question your prospective agency will answer. Similar to question two, this is a chance for the web development agency to sell themselves. The truth is, web development is easier than it’s ever been. So easy in fact, you could probably take on this project yourself if you had the time.
In this segment, let your guard down and let the agency try to sell you. At this point, if they’ve earned your trust, now they can get you excited about how they’re going to really set you apart. Whatever you’re being pitched, when it’s all said and done, the next level of service they’re going to offer needs to impact the bottom line someway. If they’ve barely scratched the surface of strategy, and really stayed at design and development, than this agency is not for you.
#7 If I Audited Your Most Recent Launch, What Mistakes Would I Find?
Just like a job interview, you want to give your next web dev agency a chance to self evaluate. The purpose of this question isn’t to be hard on anybody, but to make sure any prospective vendor is always looking to get better and improve process.
Most projects hit a road bump or two. Even if they don’t, there’s almost always budget restraints that stop any good web dev agency from finishing their “wish list.” This question should reveal a bit into the agencies innovative ambitions.
#8 Post Launch, What Services & Warranties Do You Offer?
Don’t sign a new contract without a warranty. At least 30 days should be awarded for a faulty product. If your website is launched then gets hacked, or breaks on an update, your web development agency should be held accountable for their product.
Most CMS take maintenance, at least quarterly. Make sure your agency offers some sort of affordable program for ongoing maintenance. Just like a car, preventative maintenance makes for a long lasting vehicle that won’t break down on its way to your destination.
#9 Do You Use Custom Or Pre Built Frameworks & Themes?
There’s nothing wrong with custom frameworks or custom themes, in fact many time they’re preferred. There’s also nothing wrong with pre built options. Just make sure your agency is transparent about what they’re using. Custom options take longer and cost more. What you do not want is to be charged custom prices for prebuilt themes. Prebuilt themes and frameworks provide a giant head start to the leg work of a new website project.
#10 One Year After Launch, How Should I Measure The Success Of My Website?
Finally, the juicy stuff. This question should provide a look into the value your new web dev agency is providing. A year from now, what will have improved for my company with your new website? Without an in depth answer to this question, why would you be hiring anyone at all.
Like we said, the bottom line here is revenue. You want more than a facelift on your digital brand. How will a new website increase web traffic, leads or even sales?
Hopefully, your prospective web dev agency answers somewhat like this.
In a year from now, assuming all else has stayed the same, we believe the analytics will reflect a better user experience. Your users will show a higher time on page, a better conversion rate and far less bounces.
Hiring a new web development agency can be intimidating. Heading into the sales process, you’re at a major disadvantage without the same level of knowledge as your vendor. Follow this guide and don’t be shy about asking web development agencies the tough questions.
Florida Solar East LLC - Power The Solution You've Been Waiting For
Solar power is a great way to save money and help protect our environment. Unlike traditional power sources, solar power doesn't produce any greenhouse gases or other pollutants that could harm the environment. It's also 100% renewable, so it doesn't run out like fossil fuels do. With solar power, you can enjoy clean energy while saving money on your electric bill!
Our company was founded in 1982 and has been installing solar panels on homes in Orlando ever since then. We have seen firsthand how much money homeowners can save by switching from traditional power sources like gasoline or coal to solar power instead—and we're excited about helping more people make this transition!
Florida Solar Power: All You Need to Know About Solar Energy in Florida
Solar power is a renewable resource that has been used for years, but it has only recently become popular in Florida. Solar power is becoming more affordable, and there are many economic benefits to using solar panels. The cost of installing solar panels is declining, which makes it easier for homeowners to install them on their roofs.
The cost of installing solar panels is declining, and there are many economic benefits to using solar panels. The cost of installing solar panels is declining, which makes it easier for homeowners to install them on their roofs.
The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) says that a home with a 4kW system will save $1,500 per year in energy costs. If you're considering getting solar panels installed at your house or business in Orlando or elsewhere in Florida, here's what you need to know about solar power:
Florida's Solar Power
Solar power is here, and it's coming to Florida.
Orlando is at the forefront of solar energy development in the United States, and we're proud to be a part of this movement. We've been working hard to bring solar power to Orlando residents for years now, and we're finally ready to make our mark on this great city.
What does that mean for you? It means that you can get access to Florida's solar power—and all its benefits—right in your own backyard.
Florida's Solar Power Benefits:
- Solar energy is renewable and sustainable, offering clean energy for generations to come.
- Solar panels produce no emissions or waste products, making them an environmentally friendly choice for your home or business.
- Installing solar panels in your home or business will save you money over time as they offset some of your monthly electric bills while providing free electricity during peak sunlight hours throughout the day!
Florida is a beautiful place, and we want it to stay that way.
That's why we're proud to offer solar power options for Florida residents who want to save money and protect the environment at the same time.
With Florida Solar East, you can install solar panels on your home or business, and start saving money on your energy bill immediately. You'll be helping the environment by reducing your carbon footprint, too!
We offer solar panels at no cost to you, meaning you pay nothing up front for installation or maintenance. We take care of everything—all you have to do is enjoy the benefits of cleaner air and lower utility bills.
Solar Power in Florida
Florida is a great place to live, but it's also a great place to go solar. That's because the sun is strong and reliable in this state, which means you can rely on your solar panels all year round. You don't have to worry about cloudy days or other weather issues that might affect your electricity usage. You can just sit back and enjoy the sunshine!
At Florida Solar East, we know that every home has different needs when it comes to energy consumption, so we'll work with you to find the right solution for your home. Whether you want to power your entire house with renewable energy or just supplement some of your electricity needs with solar panels, we'll help you determine what's best for you. We'll also help you with tax incentives and grants from local governments so that you can reduce your monthly costs even more.
We offer free estimates on all our services and products so that you can get started today!
Solar Power in Florida
Solar power is a clean and renewable source of electricity that can be used to power your home or business in Florida. By installing solar panels on your roof, you can save money and help the planet by reducing your carbon footprint.
The Sunshine State has some of the best solar resources in the world, and we want to show you how easy it is to start saving money on your energy bills today! Our knowledgeable staff will work with you to design a custom solar panel system that meets your needs, budget and goals. We'll make sure it's installed correctly and takes care of any permits or paperwork for you so all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the savings!
You don't have to wait until summer to start saving! Get started now by calling us at 1-800-555-5555 or fill out our online form below:
Looking for solar power in Florida? Look no further!
Florida Solar East has the most affordable, efficient, and reliable solar panels and systems available. Our solar panels can help you reduce your energy costs by up to 70% every year, so you can breathe easy knowing your home will be powered by clean, renewable energy for years to come.
We offer a variety of different packages depending on your needs—whether you're looking to go totally off-grid or just want to supplement your current system, we've got the solution for you. Our team is made up of some of the best engineers in the industry, and they'll work with you one-on-one to design a custom solution that fits your needs perfectly.
Contact us today!
Florida Solar Power: The Solution You've Been Waiting For
Florida Solar Power is the only place you need to go to get solar panels installed on your home. We offer the most affordable rates in the state and we are certified by the Better Business Bureau.
Solar power is a great way to save money and help protect our environment. Unlike traditional power sources, solar power doesn't produce any greenhouse gases or other pollutants that could harm the environment. It's also 100% renewable, so it doesn't run out like fossil fuels do. With solar power, you can enjoy clean energy while saving money on your electric bill!
Our company was founded in 1982 and has been installing solar panels on homes in Orlando ever since then. We have seen firsthand how much money homeowners can save by switching from traditional power sources like gasoline or coal to solar power instead—and we're excited about helping more people make this transition!
Florida Solar Power: All You Need to Know About Solar Energy in Florida
Solar power is a renewable resource that has been used for years, but it has only recently become popular in Florida. Solar power is becoming more affordable, and there are many economic benefits to using solar panels. The cost of installing solar panels is declining, which makes it easier for homeowners to install them on their roofs.
The cost of installing solar panels is declining, and there are many economic benefits to using solar panels. The cost of installing solar panels is declining, which makes it easier for homeowners to install them on their roofs.
The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) says that a home with a 4kW system will save $1,500 per year in energy costs. If you're considering getting solar panels installed at your house or business in Orlando or elsewhere in Florida, here's what you need to know about solar power:
Florida's Solar Power
Solar power is here, and it's coming to Florida.
Orlando is at the forefront of solar energy development in the United States, and we're proud to be a part of this movement. We've been working hard to bring solar power to Orlando residents for years now, and we're finally ready to make our mark on this great city.
What does that mean for you? It means that you can get access to Florida's solar power—and all its benefits—right in your own backyard.
Florida's Solar Power Benefits:
- Solar energy is renewable and sustainable, offering clean energy for generations to come.
- Solar panels produce no emissions or waste products, making them an environmentally friendly choice for your home or business.
- Installing solar panels on your home or business will actually save you money over time as they offset some of your monthly electric bills while providing free electricity during peak sunlight hours throughout the day!
Florida is a beautiful place, and we want it to stay that way.
That's why we're proud to offer solar power options for Florida residents who want to save money and protect the environment at the same time.
With Florida Solar East, you can install solar panels on your home or business, and start saving money on your energy bill immediately. You'll be helping the environment by reducing your carbon footprint, too!
We offer solar panels at no cost to you, meaning you pay nothing up front for installation or maintenance. We take care of everything—all you have to do is enjoy the benefits of cleaner air and lower utility bills.
Solar Power in Florida
Florida is a great place to live, but it's also a great place to go solar. That's because the sun is strong and reliable in this state, which means you can rely on your solar panels all year round. You don't have to worry about cloudy days or other weather issues that might affect your electricity usage. You can just sit back and enjoy the sunshine!
At Florida Solar East, we know that every home has different needs when it comes to energy consumption, so we'll work with you to find the right solution for your home. Whether you want to power your entire house with renewable energy or just supplement some of your electricity needs with solar panels, we'll help you determine what's best for you. We'll also help you with tax incentives and grants from local governments so that you can reduce your monthly costs even more.
We offer free estimates on all our services and products so that you can get started today!

Solar Power in Florida
Solar power is a clean and renewable source of electricity that can be used to power your home or business in Florida. By installing solar panels on your roof, you can save money and help the planet by reducing your carbon footprint.
The Sunshine State has some of the best solar resources in the world, and we want to show you how easy it is to start saving money on your energy bills today! Our knowledgeable staff will work with you to design a custom solar panel system that meets your needs, budget and goals. We'll make sure it's installed correctly and takes care of any permits or paperwork for you so all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the savings!
You don't have to wait until summer to start saving! Get started now by calling us at 1-800-555-5555 or fill out our online form below:
Looking for solar power in Florida? Look no further!
Florida Solar East has the most affordable, efficient, and reliable solar panels and systems available. Our solar panels can help you reduce your energy costs by up to 70% every year, so you can breathe easy knowing your home will be powered by clean, renewable energy for years to come.
We offer a variety of different packages depending on your needs—whether you're looking to go totally off-grid or just want to supplement your current system, we've got the solution for you. Our team is made up of some of the best engineers in the industry, and they'll work with you one-on-one to design a custom solution that fits your needs perfectly.
Contact us today!
Solar power in Florida is a hot topic, and for good reason: it's more affordable than ever before.
Solar Panel Orlando
If you're looking for solar panels in Orlando, we can help! We'll make sure your solar panels are installed by experienced professionals, with the highest level of craftsmanship. And we'll show you how to take advantage of rebates and tax credits to cut down on your costs even further.
Solar Panel Company Orlando
We've been helping people in Orlando go solar for years, so you can trust us when we say that solar panels are the way to go. Solar panels save money on energy bills and provide an excellent return on investment—not to mention they're better for the environment than fossil fuels. So if you're ready to start saving money while helping the planet out? Give us a call today!
Orlando Solar Companies
Solar Panel Installation in Orlando
Orlando Solar Companies is a solar panel installation company that offers high quality solar panels at competitive prices. We have been in business for over 20 years and we can help you save money on your electricity bills. Our services include:
Solar Panel Installation in Orlando
Solar Panel Installation in Winter Park, FL
Solar Panel Installation in Kissimmee, FL
Solar Panel Installation in St Cloud, FL
Our services are available to residential customers as well as commercial businesses. We have a wide range of products that can help you achieve your energy efficiency goals. You will not be disappointed with our services because we believe that customer satisfaction is important to us. We are committed to providing quality products at affordable prices so that everyone can benefit from solar power.
Florida Solar Power: A Way to Save Money on Your Utility Bills
Does your utility bill seem a little too high? Do you wish you could save money by producing your own electricity? Solar power is the answer!
Solar power is an affordable way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money on your utility bills. At Florida Solar East, we can help you install solar panels on your home or business so that you can start saving money right away. With solar panels, the sun’s rays are converted into electricity that powers your home or business. You will still have access to other forms of energy, but you can also tap into solar power when available.
With solar power systems, homeowners in Florida can expect to see a return on investment in approximately 10 years or less. By investing in a solar panel system now, you can start saving money immediately while also reducing emissions and helping the environment.
Florida solar power is a great way to save money, and we can help you get it!
At Florida Solar East, we believe that every home should have access to clean, renewable energy. We also believe that this should be affordable for everyone—not just those who can afford it. That’s why we offer solar panel systems at prices that are lower than anyone else in the area. And with our 100% satisfaction guarantee and free installation, you can rest easy knowing your investment is safe, whether you want a small system or one big enough to power your entire house.
We’ve been serving the Orlando area for years, and we know how much space there is for improvement when it comes to solar power in Florida. That’s why we were so excited when the state passed legislation requiring all new homes built after 2020 to come with solar panels installed. Now more than ever before, there’s no excuse not to go solar!
Solar Power in Florida
Florida is full of sunshine. Why not take advantage of all that natural energy?
You can, and we're here to help. At Florida Solar East, we specialize in solar power for homes and businesses in Florida. When you switch to solar power from traditional electricity, you'll save money on your monthly power bill—and you'll be helping the environment!
Solar panels are great for your home because they provide clean energy without any emissions or pollution. They're also a smart investment because they last much longer than traditional sources of electricity like coal or gas plants. The panels are made with durable materials that don't corrode over time, so they'll keep producing electricity long after other sources have broken down or become obsolete.
Solar panels are also an attractive addition to any building thanks to their sleek appearance and high-tech appearance; they make your house look good while keeping it running smoothly!
Hi. We're Florida Solar Power, and we provide solar power systems for homes and businesses in Orlando and across Florida.
We're a family business that has been around since 2011, and we're committed to providing you with the best experience possible. We'll work with you to design a system that meets your needs and budget, whether you're interested in solar panels or other types of renewable energy sources.
Our company is also committed to providing you with quality service. Our technicians are highly trained, experienced professionals who will make sure your installation goes smoothly from start to finish, and that any problems are addressed quickly and efficiently—so you can get back to enjoying the benefits of clean energy as soon as possible.
Solar power is the future of energy, and Florida is the perfect place to install it.
With the sun shining almost every day, you could be generating your own electricity in no time.
Solar panels are a great way to lower your electricity bill and make a positive impact on our environment.
For many years, solar panels were too expensive for most people to consider buying. But now, prices have dropped significantly and more people are jumping on board with this technology.
If you're looking for more information about solar panels in Florida, check out our website!
Florida Solar Power: The Solution You've Been Waiting For
Florida Solar Power is the only place you need to go to get solar panels installed on your home. We offer the most affordable rates in the state and we are certified by the Better Business Bureau.
Solar power is a great way to save money and help protect our environment. Unlike traditional power sources, solar power doesn't produce any greenhouse gases or other pollutants that could harm the environment. It's also 100% renewable, so it doesn't run out like fossil fuels do. With solar power, you can enjoy clean energy while saving money on your electric bill!
Our company was founded in 1982 and has been installing solar panels on homes in Orlando ever since then. We have seen firsthand how much money homeowners can save by switching from traditional power sources like gasoline or coal to solar power instead—and we're excited about helping more people make this transition!
Florida Solar Power: All You Need to Know About Solar Energy in Florida
Solar power is a renewable resource that has been used for years, but it has only recently become popular in Florida. Solar power is becoming more affordable, and there are many economic benefits to using solar panels. The cost of installing solar panels is declining, which makes it easier for homeowners to install them on their roofs.
The cost of installing solar panels is declining, and there are many economic benefits to using solar panels. The cost of installing solar panels is declining, which makes it easier for homeowners to install them on their roofs.
The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) says that a home with a 4kW system will save $1,500 per year in energy costs. If you're considering getting solar panels installed at your house or business in Orlando or elsewhere in Florida, here's what you need to know about solar power:
Florida's Solar Power
Solar power is here, and it's coming to Florida.
Orlando is at the forefront of solar energy development in the United States, and we're proud to be a part of this movement. We've been working hard to bring solar power to Orlando residents for years now, and we're finally ready to make our mark on this great city.
What does that mean for you? It means that you can get access to Florida's solar power—and all its benefits—right in your own backyard.
Florida's Solar Power Benefits:
- Solar energy is renewable and sustainable, offering clean energy for generations to come.
- Solar panels produce no emissions or waste products, making them an environmentally friendly choice for your home or business.
- Installing solar panels on your home or business will actually save you money over time as they offset some of your monthly electric bills while providing free electricity during peak sunlight hours throughout the day!
Florida is a beautiful place, and we want it to stay that way.
That's why we're proud to offer solar power options for Florida residents who want to save money and protect the environment at the same time.
With Florida Solar East, you can install solar panels on your home or business, and start saving money on your energy bill immediately. You'll be helping the environment by reducing your carbon footprint, too!
We offer solar panels at no cost to you, meaning you pay nothing up front for installation or maintenance. We take care of everything—all you have to do is enjoy the benefits of cleaner air and lower utility bills.
Solar Power in Florida
Florida is a great place to live, but it's also a great place to go solar. That's because the sun is strong and reliable in this state, which means you can rely on your solar panels all year round. You don't have to worry about cloudy days or other weather issues that might affect your electricity usage. You can just sit back and enjoy the sunshine!
At Florida Solar East, we know that every home has different needs when it comes to energy consumption, so we'll work with you to find the right solution for your home. Whether you want to power your entire house with renewable energy or just supplement some of your electricity needs with solar panels, we'll help you determine what's best for you. We'll also help you with tax incentives and grants from local governments so that you can reduce your monthly costs even more.
We offer free estimates on all our services and products so that you can get started today!
Solar Power in Florida
Solar power is a clean and renewable source of electricity that can be used to power your home or business in Florida. By installing solar panels on your roof, you can save money and help the planet by reducing your carbon footprint.
The Sunshine State has some of the best solar resources in the world, and we want to show you how easy it is to start saving money on your energy bills today! Our knowledgeable staff will work with you to design a custom solar panel system that meets your needs, budget and goals. We'll make sure it's installed correctly and takes care of any permits or paperwork for you so all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the savings!
You don't have to wait until summer to start saving! Get started now by calling us at 1-800-555-5555 or fill out our online form below:
Looking for solar power in Florida? Look no further!
Florida Solar East has the most affordable, efficient, and reliable solar panels and systems available. Our solar panels can help you reduce your energy costs by up to 70% every year, so you can breathe easy knowing your home will be powered by clean, renewable energy for years to come.
We offer a variety of different packages depending on your needs—whether you're looking to go totally off-grid or just want to supplement your current system, we've got the solution for you. Our team is made up of some of the best engineers in the industry, and they'll work with you one-on-one to design a custom solution that fits your needs perfectly.
Contact us today!
Solar power in Florida is a hot topic, and for good reason: it's more affordable than ever before.
Solar Panel Orlando
If you're looking for solar panels in Orlando, we can help! We'll make sure your solar panels are installed by experienced professionals, with the highest level of craftsmanship. And we'll show you how to take advantage of rebates and tax credits to cut down on your costs even further.
Solar Panel Company Orlando
We've been helping people in Orlando go solar for years, so you can trust us when we say that solar panels are the way to go. Solar panels save money on energy bills and provide an excellent return on investment—not to mention they're better for the environment than fossil fuels. So if you're ready to start saving money while helping the planet out? Give us a call today!
Orlando Solar Companies
Solar Panel Installation in Orlando
Orlando Solar Companies is a solar panel installation company that offers high quality solar panels at competitive prices. We have been in business for over 20 years and we can help you save money on your electricity bills. Our services include:
Solar Panel Installation in Orlando
Solar Panel Installation in Winter Park, FL
Solar Panel Installation in Kissimmee, FL
Solar Panel Installation in St Cloud, FL
Our services are available to residential customers as well as commercial businesses. We have a wide range of products that can help you achieve your energy efficiency goals. You will not be disappointed with our services because we believe that customer satisfaction is important to us. We are committed to providing quality products at affordable prices so that everyone can benefit from solar power.
Florida Solar Power: A Way to Save Money on Your Utility Bills
Does your utility bill seem a little too high? Do you wish you could save money by producing your own electricity? Solar power is the answer!
Solar power is an affordable way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money on your utility bills. At Florida Solar East, we can help you install solar panels on your home or business so that you can start saving money right away. With solar panels, the sun’s rays are converted into electricity that powers your home or business. You will still have access to other forms of energy, but you can also tap into solar power when available.
With solar power systems, homeowners in Florida can expect to see a return on investment in approximately 10 years or less. By investing in a solar panel system now, you can start saving money immediately while also reducing emissions and helping the environment.
Florida solar power is a great way to save money, and we can help you get it!
At Florida Solar East, we believe that every home should have access to clean, renewable energy. We also believe that this should be affordable for everyone—not just those who can afford it. That’s why we offer solar panel systems at prices that are lower than anyone else in the area. And with our 100% satisfaction guarantee and free installation, you can rest easy knowing your investment is safe, whether you want a small system or one big enough to power your entire house.
We’ve been serving the Orlando area for years, and we know how much space there is for improvement when it comes to solar power in Florida. That’s why we were so excited when the state passed legislation requiring all new homes built after 2020 to come with solar panels installed. Now more than ever before, there’s no excuse not to go solar!
Solar Power in Florida
Florida is full of sunshine. Why not take advantage of all that natural energy?
You can, and we're here to help. At Florida Solar East, we specialize in solar power for homes and businesses in Florida. When you switch to solar power from traditional electricity, you'll save money on your monthly power bill—and you'll be helping the environment!
Solar panels are great for your home because they provide clean energy without any emissions or pollution. They're also a smart investment because they last much longer than traditional sources of electricity like coal or gas plants. The panels are made with durable materials that don't corrode over time, so they'll keep producing electricity long after other sources have broken down or become obsolete.
Solar panels are also an attractive addition to any building thanks to their sleek appearance and high-tech appearance; they make your house look good while keeping it running smoothly!
Hi. We're Florida Solar Power, and we provide solar power systems for homes and businesses in Orlando and across Florida.
We're a family business that has been around since 2011, and we're committed to providing you with the best experience possible. We'll work with you to design a system that meets your needs and budget, whether you're interested in solar panels or other types of renewable energy sources.
Our company is also committed to providing you with quality service. Our technicians are highly trained, experienced professionals who will make sure your installation goes smoothly from start to finish, and that any problems are addressed quickly and efficiently—so you can get back to enjoying the benefits of clean energy as soon as possible.
Solar power is the future of energy, and Florida is the perfect place to install it.
With the sun shining almost every day, you could be generating your own electricity in no time.
Solar panels are a great way to lower your electricity bill and make a positive impact on our environment.
For many years, solar panels were too expensive for most people to consider buying. But now, prices have dropped significantly and more people are jumping on board with this technology.
If you're looking for more information about solar panels in Florida, check out our website!
Florida solar power.
We're here to help you save money, save the environment, and power your home with the most innovative solar technology available.
Solar power in Florida is becoming more popular every day. That's because it's not just a great way to save money on your electricity bills—it's also an environmentally-friendly way of reducing your carbon footprint. And now that we have a new state law that allows homeowners to sell their excess solar energy back to the grid, you can actually make money off of your investment! Plus, there are tax credits available for those who install solar panels on their homes or businesses.
Whether you're looking at solar panels in Orlando or elsewhere around the state, it's important to do your research and make sure you're working with a company that has decades of experience installing these types of systems. We've been doing it since 2008, so we know what works and what doesn't when it comes time to make this kind of investment in your home or business. Contact us today and let us show you how easy it can be!
Solar Power in Florida
Are you looking for solar power in Florida? We can help!
From Orlando to Miami, we offer solar power solutions for the whole state. Our team of experts has more than 30 years of experience in the industry, and we're ready to put that knowledge to work for you.
We know that each home is unique and has its own needs—that's why we offer a variety of products and services to meet those needs: from energy-efficient appliances that cut down on monthly bills and reduce your carbon footprint, to solar panels that provide clean, renewable energy right at home. The possibilities are endless!
Florida Solar Power | Solar Power in Florida | Solar Panels in Florida
What if you could harness the power of the sun, and have it work for you all day, every day?
We're here to help you do just that. At Florida Solar East, we specialize in solar power systems that can help you cut down on your utility bills, while also helping to keep our planet clean and green. We offer a variety of solar products, including solar panels, battery storage systems, and even solar lighting systems for your home or business.
Whether you're looking for solar panels for your home or need something more industrial-sized for your business, we've got you covered. Our professionals will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your system is installed properly and works exactly as intended.
Looking to get your solar power in Florida? Florida Solar East has you covered. We'll help you find the right solar panels for your home, and we'll even install them for you.
Florida Solar East is a family-owned business that has been serving the Orlando area since 2017. Our team of experts has worked in the solar industry for years, and we've been helping people like you get their hands on clean, renewable energy for more than half a decade. We're proud to have helped thousands of customers install solar panels on their homes and businesses—and we're so excited about our work that we've decided to offer installation services ourselves!
If you're thinking about getting solar panels installed on your property, but aren't sure where to start, give us a call today! We'll answer all your questions about our services and help you find the right fit for your needs. We love working with people who are passionate about protecting our planet from climate change by switching to clean energy sources like solar power!
Solar Power in Florida
Solar power is a great way to cut costs and reduce your carbon footprint. It's also a great way to make sure you can do more of what you love. Whether you're an avid hiker or just want to relax on the beach, solar power gives you the freedom to spend more time doing what matters most.
At Florida Solar East, we believe that everyone deserves access to clean energy and a healthy environment. That's why we offer affordable solar solutions for homes and businesses throughout Orlando, Miami, Tallahassee, Tampa Bay, Jacksonville, Pensacola and St. Augustine.
If you're thinking about making the switch to solar power for your home or business, you've come to the right place.
Florida Solar East is a leading installer of solar panels in Florida, with over [number] installations over the last 10 years. We offer a range of services including:
- Solar panel installation
- Solar panel installation with battery backup (solar + storage)
- Solar panel installation with battery backup and power management system (solar + storage + management)
Solar power is the future.
But it's also the present—and you can be a part of it.
Florida Solar East provides high-quality solar panels that are designed and manufactured in the USA, and installed by our expert team, right here in Florida.
When you choose solar, you're choosing to invest in your future. You're helping to protect our planet and promote clean energy. And you're saving money on your electricity bill for years to come!
Florida Solar Power: The Solution You've Been Waiting For
Florida Solar Power is the only place you need to go to get solar panels installed on your home. We offer the most affordable rates in the state and we are certified by the Better Business Bureau.
Solar power is a great way to save money and help protect our environment. Unlike traditional power sources, solar power doesn't produce any greenhouse gases or other pollutants that could harm the environment. It's also 100% renewable, so it doesn't run out like fossil fuels do. With solar power, you can enjoy clean energy while saving money on your electric bill!
Our company was founded in 1983 and has been installing solar panels on homes in Orlando ever since then. We have seen firsthand how much money homeowners can save by switching from traditional power sources like gasoline or coal to solar power instead—and we're excited about helping more people make this transition!
Florida Solar Power: All You Need to Know About Solar Energy in Florida
Solar power is a renewable resource that has been used for years, but it has only recently become popular in Florida. Solar power is becoming more affordable, and there are many economic benefits to using solar panels. The cost of installing solar panels is declining, which makes it easier for homeowners to install them on their roofs.
The cost of installing solar panels is declining, and there are many economic benefits to using solar panels. The cost of installing solar panels is declining, which makes it easier for homeowners to install them on their roofs.
The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) says that a home with a 4kW system will save $1,500 per year in energy costs. If you're considering getting solar panels installed at your house or business in Orlando or elsewhere in Florida, here's what you need to know about solar power:
Florida's Solar Power
Solar power is here, and it's coming to Florida.
Orlando is at the forefront of solar energy development in the United States, and we're proud to be a part of this movement. We've been working hard to bring solar power to Orlando residents for years now, and we're finally ready to make our mark on this great city.
What does that mean for you? It means that you can get access to Florida's solar power—and all its benefits—right in your own backyard.
Florida's Solar Power Benefits:
- Solar energy is renewable and sustainable, offering clean energy for generations to come.
- Solar panels produce no emissions or waste products, making them an environmentally friendly choice for your home or business.
- Installing solar panels on your home or business will actually save you money over time as they offset some of your monthly electric bills while providing free electricity during peak sunlight hours throughout the day!
Florida is a beautiful place, and we want it to stay that way.
That's why we're proud to offer solar power options for Florida residents who want to save money and protect the environment at the same time.
With Florida Solar East, you can install solar panels on your home or business, and start saving money on your energy bill immediately. You'll be helping the environment by reducing your carbon footprint, too!
We offer solar panels at no cost to you, meaning you pay nothing up front for installation or maintenance. We take care of everything—all you have to do is enjoy the benefits of cleaner air and lower utility bills.
Solar Power in Florida
Florida is a great place to live, but it's also a great place to go solar. That's because the sun is strong and reliable in this state, which means you can rely on your solar panels all year round. You don't have to worry about cloudy days or other weather issues that might affect your electricity usage. You can just sit back and enjoy the sunshine!
At Florida Solar East, we know that every home has different needs when it comes to energy consumption, so we'll work with you to find the right solution for your home. Whether you want to power your entire house with renewable energy or just supplement some of your electricity needs with solar panels, we'll help you determine what's best for you. We'll also help you with tax incentives and grants from local governments so that you can reduce your monthly costs even more.
We offer free estimates on all our services and products so that you can get started today!
Solar Power in Florida
Solar power is a clean and renewable source of electricity that can be used to power your home or business in Florida. By installing solar panels on your roof, you can save money and help the planet by reducing your carbon footprint.
The Sunshine State has some of the best solar resources in the world, and we want to show you how easy it is to start saving money on your energy bills today! Our knowledgeable staff will work with you to design a custom solar panel system that meets your needs, budget and goals. We'll make sure it's installed correctly and takes care of any permits or paperwork for you so all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the savings!
You don't have to wait until summer to start saving! Get started now by calling us at 1-800-555-5555 or fill out our online form below:
Looking for solar power in Florida? Look no further!
Florida Solar East has the most affordable, efficient, and reliable solar panels and systems available. Our solar panels can help you reduce your energy costs by up to 70% every year, so you can breathe easy knowing your home will be powered by clean, renewable energy for years to come.
We offer a variety of different packages depending on your needs—whether you're looking to go totally off-grid or just want to supplement your current system, we've got the solution for you. Our team is made up of some of the best engineers in the industry, and they'll work with you one-on-one to design a custom solution that fits your needs perfectly.
Contact us today!
Solar power in Florida is a hot topic, and for good reason: it's more affordable than ever before.
Solar Panel Orlando
If you're looking for solar panels in Orlando, we can help! We'll make sure your solar panels are installed by experienced professionals, with the highest level of craftsmanship. And we'll show you how to take advantage of rebates and tax credits to cut down on your costs even further.
Solar Panel Company Orlando
We've been helping people in Orlando go solar for years, so you can trust us when we say that solar panels are the way to go. Solar panels save money on energy bills and provide an excellent return on investment—not to mention they're better for the environment than fossil fuels. So if you're ready to start saving money while helping the planet out? Give us a call today!
Orlando Solar Companies
Solar Panel Installation in Orlando
Orlando Solar Companies is a solar panel installation company that offers high quality solar panels at competitive prices. We have been in business for over 20 years and we can help you save money on your electricity bills. Our services include:
Solar Panel Installation in Orlando
Solar Panel Installation in Winter Park, FL
Solar Panel Installation in Kissimmee, FL
Solar Panel Installation in St Cloud, FL
Our services are available to residential customers as well as commercial businesses. We have a wide range of products that can help you achieve your energy efficiency goals. You will not be disappointed with our services because we believe that customer satisfaction is important to us. We are committed to providing quality products at affordable prices so that everyone can benefit from solar power.
Florida Solar Power: A Way to Save Money on Your Utility Bills
Does your utility bill seem a little too high? Do you wish you could save money by producing your own electricity? Solar power is the answer!
Solar power is an affordable way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money on your utility bills. At Florida Solar East, we can help you install solar panels on your home or business so that you can start saving money right away. With solar panels, the sun’s rays are converted into electricity that powers your home or business. You will still have access to other forms of energy, but you can also tap into solar power when available.
With solar power systems, homeowners in Florida can expect to see a return on investment in approximately 10 years or less. By investing in a solar panel system now, you can start saving money immediately while also reducing emissions and helping the environment.
Florida solar power is a great way to save money, and we can help you get it!
At Florida Solar East, we believe that every home should have access to clean, renewable energy. We also believe that this should be affordable for everyone—not just those who can afford it. That’s why we offer solar panel systems at prices that are lower than anyone else in the area. And with our 100% satisfaction guarantee and free installation, you can rest easy knowing your investment is safe, whether you want a small system or one big enough to power your entire house.
We’ve been serving the Orlando area for years, and we know how much space there is for improvement when it comes to solar power in Florida. That’s why we were so excited when the state passed legislation requiring all new homes built after 2020 to come with solar panels installed. Now more than ever before, there’s no excuse not to go solar!
Solar Power in Florida
Florida is full of sunshine. Why not take advantage of all that natural energy?
You can, and we're here to help. At Florida Solar East, we specialize in solar power for homes and businesses in Florida. When you switch to solar power from traditional electricity, you'll save money on your monthly power bill—and you'll be helping the environment!
Solar panels are great for your home because they provide clean energy without any emissions or pollution. They're also a smart investment because they last much longer than traditional sources of electricity like coal or gas plants. The panels are made with durable materials that don't corrode over time, so they'll keep producing electricity long after other sources have broken down or become obsolete.
Solar panels are also an attractive addition to any building thanks to their sleek appearance and high-tech appearance; they make your house look good while keeping it running smoothly!
Hi. We're Florida Solar Power, and we provide solar power systems for homes and businesses in Orlando and across Florida.
We're a family business that has been around since 2011, and we're committed to providing you with the best experience possible. We'll work with you to design a system that meets your needs and budget, whether you're interested in solar panels or other types of renewable energy sources.
Our company is also committed to providing you with quality service. Our technicians are highly trained, experienced professionals who will make sure your installation goes smoothly from start to finish, and that any problems are addressed quickly and efficiently—so you can get back to enjoying the benefits of clean energy as soon as possible.
Solar power is the future of energy, and Florida is the perfect place to install it.
With the sun shining almost every day, you could be generating your own electricity in no time.
Solar panels are a great way to lower your electricity bill and make a positive impact on our environment.
For many years, solar panels were too expensive for most people to consider buying. But now, prices have dropped significantly and more people are jumping on board with this technology.
If you're looking for more information about solar panels in Florida, check out our website!
Florida solar power.
We're here to help you save money, save the environment, and power your home with the most innovative solar technology available.
Solar power in Florida is becoming more popular every day. That's because it's not just a great way to save money on your electricity bills—it's also an environmentally-friendly way of reducing your carbon footprint. And now that we have a new state law that allows homeowners to sell their excess solar energy back to the grid, you can actually make money off of your investment! Plus, there are tax credits available for those who install solar panels on their homes or businesses.
Whether you're looking at solar panels in Orlando or elsewhere around the state, it's important to do your research and make sure you're working with a company that has decades of experience installing these types of systems. We've been doing it since 2008, so we know what works and what doesn't when it comes time to make this kind of investment in your home or business. Contact us today and let us show you how easy it can be!
Solar Power in Florida
Are you looking for solar power in Florida? We can help!
From Orlando to Miami, we offer solar power solutions for the whole state. Our team of experts has more than 30 years of experience in the industry, and we're ready to put that knowledge to work for you.
We know that each home is unique and has its own needs—that's why we offer a variety of products and services to meet those needs: from energy-efficient appliances that cut down on monthly bills and reduce your carbon footprint, to solar panels that provide clean, renewable energy right at home. The possibilities are endless!
Florida Solar Power | Solar Power in Florida | Solar Panels in Florida
What if you could harness the power of the sun, and have it work for you all day, every day?
We're here to help you do just that. At Florida Solar East, we specialize in solar power systems that can help you cut down on your utility bills, while also helping to keep our planet clean and green. We offer a variety of solar products, including solar panels, battery storage systems, and even solar lighting systems for your home or business.
Whether you're looking for solar panels for your home or need something more industrial-sized for your business, we've got you covered. Our professionals will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your system is installed properly and works exactly as intended.
Looking to get your solar power in Florida? Florida Solar East has you covered. We'll help you find the right solar panels for your home, and we'll even install them for you.
Florida Solar East is a family-owned business that has been serving the Orlando area since 2017. Our team of experts has worked in the solar industry for years, and we've been helping people like you get their hands on clean, renewable energy for more than half a decade. We're proud to have helped thousands of customers install solar panels on their homes and businesses—and we're so excited about our work that we've decided to offer installation services ourselves!
If you're thinking about getting solar panels installed on your property, but aren't sure where to start, give us a call today! We'll answer all your questions about our services and help you find the right fit for your needs. We love working with people who are passionate about protecting our planet from climate change by switching to clean energy sources like solar power!
Solar Power in Florida
Solar power is a great way to cut costs and reduce your carbon footprint. It's also a great way to make sure you can do more of what you love. Whether you're an avid hiker or just want to relax on the beach, solar power gives you the freedom to spend more time doing what matters most.
At Florida Solar East, we believe that everyone deserves access to clean energy and a healthy environment. That's why we offer affordable solar solutions for homes and businesses throughout Orlando, Miami, Tallahassee, Tampa Bay, Jacksonville, Pensacola and St. Augustine.
If you're thinking about making the switch to solar power for your home or business, you've come to the right place.
Florida Solar East is a leading installer of solar panels in Florida, with over [number] installations over the last 10 years. We offer a range of services including:
- Solar panel installation
- Solar panel installation with battery backup (solar + storage)
- Solar panel installation with battery backup and power management system (solar + storage + management)
Solar power is the future.
But it's also the present—and you can be a part of it.
Florida Solar East provides high-quality solar panels that are designed and manufactured in the USA, and installed by our expert team, right here in Florida.
When you choose solar, you're choosing to invest in your future. You're helping to protect our planet and promote clean energy. And you're saving money on your electricity bill for years to come!
Florida Solar Power
Solar power in Florida is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and get a low-cost, clean source of energy.
We offer solar panel installation services for homeowners, businesses, schools and organizations throughout Central Florida. We have been installing solar panels since 2007 and have helped hundreds of customers save money on their electric bills.
From our solar panel installations at Walt Disney World to our work with local businesses like The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, we've got experience working with some of the biggest names in Florida's business community.
If you're interested in solar power for your home or business in Central Florida, contact us today!
Get Solar in Florida
Have you been considering solar power for your home or business in Florida? We can help!
Here at Florida Solar East, we've been providing solar panels to residents of the Sunshine State since 2008. We're proud to have helped thousands of customers save money on their utility bills, reduce their carbon footprint, and decrease their reliance on fossil fuels. And we're committed to doing more!
Our goal is to provide you with the best possible experience and results when it comes to going solar. That's why we offer a variety of services that make it easy and affordable for anyone who wants to go green:
You can order online or by phone—it doesn't matter which way you prefer! Whether it's Tampa Bay or Orlando, Jacksonville or Sarasota, we'll get your panels installed quickly so you can start saving money right away.
Florida Solar Power
Florida Solar East, a Florida solar power company, is proud to offer you the highest quality solar panels at a price that can't be beat. We have been in business since 1999 and have installed over 100,000 solar panels in the state of Florida. Our products are designed to provide you with maximum efficiency and performance at an affordable price.
We offer a wide range of services including:
• Solar Panel Installation
• Solar Panel Maintenance
• Solar Panel Repair
Our focus is on providing our customers with quality products and excellent customer service. We provide free estimates for all installations so you know exactly what it will cost before any work begins. All our employees are licensed professionals who are committed to providing you with the best possible service every time.
If you're looking for solar power in Florida, look no further than Florida Solar East. We've been installing solar panels throughout the state since 2013, and we can help you take advantage of the benefits of solar energy.
If you're looking to save money on your utility bill,
or if you're interested in reducing your carbon footprint, solar power is one of the best ways to do both. At Florida Solar East, we offer a wide range of services, including:
Solar panel installation
Home battery storage systems
Solar panel cleaning services
We also offer maintenance plans so that you can keep your solar panels running smoothly and efficiently for years to come. For more information about our services or to schedule an appointment with one of our team members, please visit our site today!
Solar Power in Florida
Solar power is an abundant, renewable energy source that is available to us all. The sun emits more than enough energy to meet our needs and then some, which is why it's no surprise that many homeowners are turning to solar panels to help them save money on their electric bills.
With so many options for solar panels, how do you know which one is right for you? At Florida Solar East, we work with homeowners throughout the state of Florida who want to understand all the benefits of solar power and how it can save them money on their electricity bills. We'll help you choose the right system for your home and get everything set up so that you can start saving immediately!
Are you looking for the best solar panels in Florida?
Florida Solar East provides solar power systems that are designed to provide you with cost-effective, efficient energy. Our high-quality products are backed by over 30 years of experience and a commitment to customer care. We know how important it is to have a reliable source of energy, so we make sure to deliver the best possible results no matter what your needs may be.
What's more, we offer free estimates and consultations so that you can get started right away on your project! Call us today at [number] or fill out our contact form online.
Solar power in Florida is a cost-effective, sustainable alternative to traditional energy sources.
Florida is an ideal place for solar panels because it has great weather and abundant sunlight, which makes it easy for solar panels to generate more electricity than they do in other parts of the country. The state also has many tax incentives for homeowners who install solar panels on their property.
Solar power can save you money on your electric bills while helping protect the environment by reducing your carbon footprint.
If you're thinking about going solar, contact Florida Solar East today!
Florida Solar Power: The Solution You've Been Waiting For
Florida Solar Power is the only place you need to go to get solar panels installed on your home. We offer the most affordable rates in the state and we are certified by the Better Business Bureau.
Solar power is a great way to save money and help protect our environment. Unlike traditional power sources, solar power doesn't produce any greenhouse gases or other pollutants that could harm the environment. It's also 100% renewable, so it doesn't run out like fossil fuels do. With solar power, you can enjoy clean energy while saving money on your electric bill!
Our company was founded in 1982 and has been installing solar panels on homes in Orlando ever since then. We have seen firsthand how much money homeowners can save by switching from traditional power sources like gasoline or coal to solar power instead—and we're excited about helping more people make this transition!
Florida Solar Power: All You Need to Know About Solar Energy in Florida
Solar power is a renewable resource that has been used for years, but it has only recently become popular in Florida. Solar power is becoming more affordable, and there are many economic benefits to using solar panels. The cost of installing solar panels is declining, which makes it easier for homeowners to install them on their roofs.
The cost of installing solar panels is declining, and there are many economic benefits to using solar panels. The cost of installing solar panels is declining, which makes it easier for homeowners to install them on their roofs.
The Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) says that a home with a 4kW system will save $1,500 per year in energy costs. If you're considering getting solar panels installed at your house or business in Orlando or elsewhere in Florida, here's what you need to know about solar power:
Florida's Solar Power
Solar power is here, and it's coming to Florida.
Orlando is at the forefront of solar energy development in the United States, and we're proud to be a part of this movement. We've been working hard to bring solar power to Orlando residents for years now, and we're finally ready to make our mark on this great city.
What does that mean for you? It means that you can get access to Florida's solar power—and all its benefits—right in your own backyard.

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